Friday, February 12, 2016

I shot this for Elizabeth Childs today. Here too is a link where the large "southern" crosses are discussed.

I shot this for Elizabeth Childs today. Here too is a link where the large "southern" crosses are discussed.


  1. Hey! We didn't realize there were so many till we started down this road! Very cool! We passed this one!

  2. Where are you that you can do this for me?

  3. Not meaning to burst anyone's bubble here, but 'truth will out'. That article is rather a bit o' codswollop - these were not "erected as a testament...", they were erected to improve communication across the nation - they're cell towers.
    Someone realized that with many churches having available plots o' land in perfect TX/RX range, designing a tower that looks like a cross was a brilliant selling point (and the Chruches looked at it much the same way - inspiration from well above most buildings or any steeple!). The Churches are getting a healthy 'donation' every month in land leases.
    They're not just in 'The South' either, they're everywhere...even up in Canada.

  4. Capt. John Swallow better communication with God!

  5. Elizabeth Childs
    indeed...LOL Perhaps that's why they call it "3G".

  6. Hee hee... Good one E.C.
    I'm not sure if you're right about this particular tower Cap (but knowing the folks at this church, you probably are) but I do know that many of the crosses are used that way. BTW, I think Elizabeth has Him on her contacts. So if you ever need His number...

  7. LOL, I'll keep that in mind...
    That is a pretty standard design for these tower(ing) crosses...there are "rounder" ones, but for many, I think this is the preferred design.
    The strangest thing about this photo is the monolithic structure behind the cross. In stark contrast to the Church in the foreground.

  8. Aye. Presumably a cistern but one never can tell, eh ? I took a whole bunch of different shots but this one seemed to jump out at me. The contrast between elements - even the flag, It seemed to allow for a variety of impressions to be available to different peeps.

  9. I have God on speed dial. ted kelly​ Capt. John Swallow​
