Friday, April 17, 2015

I'm saving this for prosperity. Not because it's the first entry for Sketchgurusaturday since I was invited to help curate the non-theme, but just on account of because it's so darn good. Thanks EK, I'll treasure it always.

I'm saving this for prosperity. Not because it's the first entry for Sketchgurusaturday since I was invited to help curate the non-theme, but just on account of because it's so darn good. Thanks EK, I'll treasure it always.

Originally shared by Elizabeth Kearvell

Good morning to all on this wonderful Saturday morning....time for a little fun with filters... :-)

For #SketchguruSaturday ...with the talented paula contreras Christina Lihani and ted kelly

1 comment:

  1. ted kelly..aww are so kind...I am truly humbled my photography is very important in my is nice people like you that keep me going...thank you ... :-)
