Sunday, April 19, 2015

#BEACHPOKER I think we should have a massive HIRL (meet up) at the beach this summer. For now though just grab a new or old beach picture and and some SPF50 and join Marilyn Benham and Christina Lihani and moi' on the sand.

#BEACHPOKER  I think we should have a massive HIRL (meet up) at the beach this summer. For now though just grab a new or old beach picture and and some SPF50 and join Marilyn Benham and Christina Lihani and moi' on the sand.


  1. ahhaha  Love your write up ted kelly .. Nothing like playing in the sand.. I feel like a kid again!! Awesome shot!! xoxo

  2. I have some beautiful and recent beach pictures.

  3. Elizabeth Childs ahem - like the say in the interwebz - pix (or it didn't happen) :+)

  4. I love this #beachpoker  ted kelly and I'm SO ready to see the beach again!

  5. Lol ok. In a minute. It's on my computer.
