Saturday, December 27, 2014

I recently took a short trip to visit the Stamps Graveyard. It's better known as The Witches Graveyard and here is a link or two if you're interested in this sort of thing.

I recently took a short trip to visit the Stamps Graveyard. It's better known as The Witches Graveyard and here is a link or two if you're interested in this sort of thing.
  Cemetery Saturday #cemeterysaturday curated by Corey Gibson and Cristy Gibson


  1. Great share, Ted...what an unusual burial tradition. All the cemeteries we've been to or studied, this is the only setup like this we've seen!
     What the article doesn't mention, is whether the bodies are also buried under the stone "tents" ; or simply placed, coffin and all, under it's shelter?

  2. That's a good question Cap'n John. I'll share that with if I ever find out.

  3. A really compelling site—I think maybe one reason I'm drawn to pioneer cemeteries is I'm moved by how much of commoner history is forgotten or lost.

    After coming across your photo I did some googling about this place, and there are theories for the strange graves other than witch lore (`they're fashioned after a Scott tradition of cairns, or they were a means to protect remains from animals before caskets were commonplace)—but nothing is cited.

    In fact, I found one forum that included the exact same article posted above, only credited to another author (I wonder which of the two is the plagiarist)!

    If you do happen to find more info on Stamps—and think to add it here—it''ll be appreciated!

  4. Hey Capt. John Swallow I found another bunch in a different cemetery and did some googling based on an enscription I read. I'll post an album soon but check this one out. also interesting along the same lines is

  5. Cheers +Ted Kelly - looking forward to the photos! Such an unusual and
    rare burial tradition.
