Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Being as I'm a Florida guy and all, I didn't think I'd get another #waterfallwednesday picture in this year.

Being as I'm a Florida guy and all, I didn't think I'd get another  #waterfallwednesday  picture in this year.


  1. You have some good shots in there, Tedster.

  2. Thanks Oscar - I'm starting to like playing with settings and stuff. So, by the way- are we ever going to get some more 411 on your pride and joy ?

  3. Very nice Ted...can almost hear it...the rocks are amazing too... :-)

  4. Of course you will. What kind of info do people normally want to hear about a baby? I don't want to be the guy who says "look at my kid" all the time. :-)

  5. Of course not all the time. Six or eight times a week would be fine...
    Oh, birth weight, size. sex, name - pix of baby feet. mommy holding, daddy holding pix - stuff like that. 
    Christina Lihani paula contreras what say you guys on this topic. I know I'm forgetting stuff...

  6. What ted kelly says! What paula contreras says!
