Sunday, December 21, 2014

Happy #signsunday Sign Sunday Lori Carey Janice Hackney Jetski Jones

Happy #signsunday Sign Sunday Lori Carey Janice Hackney Jetski Jones
and this sign means three things -1. don't text and drive 2. the AARFmobile needs new wipers and 3.Why in the heck did I volunteer to take those critters to NY in thew wintertime ?


  1. LOL! 1) me neither, but my daughter does and it makes me crazi(er) 2) Yes, but look at the cool texture and 3) who wouldn't?

  2. but, but, but - I'm a Florida Cracker.I shouldn't be in Buhbuhbuh Buffalo brrrrr...

  3. omg, get off the road fast, before you hurt yourself!

  4. That's a new one for me, a text stop? I can't text and drive either, for the life of me I can't figure out how people manage to type while driving!

  5. Nobody uses those parking areas because they're too busy texting to see the signs. (but not me, I can barely turn on the defroster while driving much less do something with a phone)

  6. IKR !  It wasn't so long ago that I could surf/text/tune and drive but not any more. Heck, I used to read or do crosswords and drive...
