Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm not sure where I'm going with this... #stairsunthursday

 I'm not sure where I'm going with this... #stairsunthursday


  1. You're headed up, or down! Nice find ted kelly, thanks for sharing with Stairs Thursday!

  2. Please share your photos on thursdays by posting them with a text containing +Stairs Thursday, with a +, not a #. And add +Stairs Thursday to your circles if you share a photo, it makes it easier to curate. Thank you!

  3. Thanks everyone. I'm sorry I was doing it wrong. I'll keep it in mind and have changed out the hashtag. I've enjoyed the theme greatly in the past and wish I could have participated more. 
    TGIF - Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the holiday -unless you're anti union of course... lol

  4. Or unless you're French, like me! Have a great week-end ted kelly!

  5. go up and down,it'll be good fitness:)
    lovely pic!
