Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Here. Just in case you want to try one out.

Here. Just in case you want to try one out.


  1. thank you my friend ted kelly i installed it on my phone

  2. Hi JF
    Actually, I thought your original was better because I got a little carried away this the warmth and saturation settings. I though you would like the trick with the rugs though. I used the clone tool to do that.
    It's very easy to play with that editor. I use the undo thingie a whole lot and just experiment to my hearts content.

  3. ted kelly thank you, but i really liked how you got the red to come out, i've been playing with it for a bit trying to learn how to use it. yeah, we were really trying to figure out how you got rid of the rug,  haha  i've only had a smartphone since mid-June and don't know alot about it yet but i'm learning. i really dig the editor, thanks for sending it to me  :-) i will be playing with it some more, i've got new pictures to try it on
