Monday, October 8, 2012

Sgt. Alvin York

Sgt. Alvin York
Someday we should try to learn from the past instead of about it. Almost a hundred year ago he made history. If you don't know the story you should look him up, or at least watch the movie. Regardless, you should consider the following.
(and no- it's not too long, read it)
"I'm a Democrat first, last, and all the time," he said—in January 1941 "liberty and freedom are so very precious that you do not fight and win them once and stop." They are "prizes awarded only to those peoples who fight to win them and then keep fighting eternally to hold them!"
York originally believed in the morality of America's intervention in World War I. By the mid-1930s, he looked back more critically: "I can't see that we did any good. There’s as much trouble now as there was when we were over there. I think the slogan 'A war to end war.' is all wrong." He fully endorsed American preparedness, but showed sympathy for isolationism in saying he would fight only if war came to America.

 At times he was blunt: "I think any man who talks against the interests of his own country ought to be arrested and put in jail, not excepting senators and colonels."

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