Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bwahahaha! I don't usually comment on such things with a public post any more - but this is just too rich to pass up.

Bwahahaha! I don't usually comment on such things with a public post any more - but this is just too rich to pass up. 
One of G+'s most popular and outspoken conservative celebrities just uncircled me. I always appreciated our honest and respectful exchanges and never once trashed his threads with my evil liberal progressiveness. I respected his honesty and directness and even agreed with a significant part of his world-view. I felt that the sentiment was returned.
Before I cry I would just like to offer some advice.
If you interact with a libertarian and would like to continue to do so please refrain from pointing out that they seem to value self-interest very greatly. Speaking Truth to Power my sound like a good idea but alas - some peeps can't handle the truth.
Ok - now I'll go cry.

1 comment:

  1. Huh. I'd think valuing self-interest highly would be a given in a libertarian. Srsly, I wonder why that hit a nerve? Oh well.
