Miami Eviction in progress - need some help peeps.
#ows #occupy
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
We need to show our support for DC, Oakland, New York, Atlanta etc... The infiltrators will be there in force. Stop them before they stop us.
We need to show our support for DC, Oakland, New York, Atlanta etc... The infiltrators will be there in force. Stop them before they stop us.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Thomas Paine Day
Thomas Paine Day
January 29
Freethinkers Day, also known as Thomas Paine Day, is an opportunity to promote appreciation of freethought thought the life and works of Thomas Paine. Freethought supports reason over faith, and rejects arbitrary authority.
January 29
Freethinkers Day, also known as Thomas Paine Day, is an opportunity to promote appreciation of freethought thought the life and works of Thomas Paine. Freethought supports reason over faith, and rejects arbitrary authority.
January 29th is National Puzzle Day!
January 29th is National Puzzle Day!
When Did This Become Art?
When Did This Become Art?
(I resemble that remark)
and I'm not the only plusser who should be celebrating today...
Saturday, January 28, 2012
5 minute warning given by Oakland Police to disperse
5 minute warning given by Oakland Police to disperse
100+ waiting to get on the bus for the trip to the jail.
100+ waiting to get on the bus for the trip to the jail.
I need to take a break from the violence in Oakland.
I need to take a break from the violence in Oakland.
Occupy Oakland is getting hammered with tear gas and rubber bullets. Watch live here...
Occupy Oakland is getting hammered with tear gas and rubber bullets. Watch live here...
Big confrontation in Oakland - NOW!
Big confrontation in Oakland - NOW!
shooting rubber bullets now!
shooting rubber bullets now!
Faulkner said Data Privacy Day, despite the fact that some see the phrase as an oxymoron, is essentially a call to attention for the everyday Web user who may not have any idea how his data is being used.
Faulkner said Data Privacy Day, despite the fact that some see the phrase as an oxymoron, is essentially a call to attention for the everyday Web user who may not have any idea how his data is being used.
Originally by The Coasters - good cover by The Beatles (before they were The Beatles) but Ry Cooder is my favorite. #caturday
Originally by The Coasters - good cover by The Beatles (before they were The Beatles) but Ry Cooder is my favorite. #caturday
Hey Google - could you review this situation and let Scott have some feedback.

Hey Google - could you review this situation and let Scott have some feedback.
Originally shared by Scott Schoffstall
An open letter regarding #OWS
An open letter regarding #OWS
Lots of different kinds of people make up most Occupy encampments. Grandparents worried about the future prospects and college kids worried about the future too. Anarchists and Atheists and Preachers and Teachers. It takes all kinds...
I've visited a few of the sites and one type of person that they have in common, that also kind of stands out is the "homeless person". They are usually quiet and clean and very helpful. We like to make some noise and attract attention, we want to change "things". They have had enough attention, thank you. Attention usually means trouble and they have enough of that already.
We heard some grumblings coming from our site. Stuff that made us uncomfortable. We were concerned enough that a bunch of us (weekend worriers) went to the Wed. night committee meeting and assembly to see what was up. We heard that they were organizing. They were voting and somehow got the idea that they had rights. They even dared to suggest that it was unfair that some of the people were controlling all the money and power and marginalizing other people.
We heard right. It was the most inspiring thing I have ever seen since I've gotten involved with the Occupy Movement. I've seen the 1% take notice and begin to take steps in the right direction. Some steps were small like the 5$ BoA fee thing. Some were pretty big, like the Indian software company that just contributed 2 billion dollars to an education fund for the poor. Real change starts where it counts though. When the downtrodden begin to realize that they can make change in their world. It should inspire all of us to do what we can.
My take-away from this lesson is - If you want to fix the world, start with your own world. Change begins within. Real improvement is not only possible, but with faith and perseverance, it is inevitable.
Reverend Theo
Lots of different kinds of people make up most Occupy encampments. Grandparents worried about the future prospects and college kids worried about the future too. Anarchists and Atheists and Preachers and Teachers. It takes all kinds...
I've visited a few of the sites and one type of person that they have in common, that also kind of stands out is the "homeless person". They are usually quiet and clean and very helpful. We like to make some noise and attract attention, we want to change "things". They have had enough attention, thank you. Attention usually means trouble and they have enough of that already.
We heard some grumblings coming from our site. Stuff that made us uncomfortable. We were concerned enough that a bunch of us (weekend worriers) went to the Wed. night committee meeting and assembly to see what was up. We heard that they were organizing. They were voting and somehow got the idea that they had rights. They even dared to suggest that it was unfair that some of the people were controlling all the money and power and marginalizing other people.
We heard right. It was the most inspiring thing I have ever seen since I've gotten involved with the Occupy Movement. I've seen the 1% take notice and begin to take steps in the right direction. Some steps were small like the 5$ BoA fee thing. Some were pretty big, like the Indian software company that just contributed 2 billion dollars to an education fund for the poor. Real change starts where it counts though. When the downtrodden begin to realize that they can make change in their world. It should inspire all of us to do what we can.
My take-away from this lesson is - If you want to fix the world, start with your own world. Change begins within. Real improvement is not only possible, but with faith and perseverance, it is inevitable.
Reverend Theo
Thanks and a hat tip to Mr Gingrich.
Thanks and a hat tip to Mr Gingrich.
RULE 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
RULE 4: "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
Any ideas on how to celebrate this one ?
Any ideas on how to celebrate this one ?
Friday, January 27, 2012
Thomas Crapper Day
Thomas Crapper Day
Yes its true. Today we celebrate the man behind the porcelain throne – Thomas Crapper.
January 27th is Thomas Crapper Day!
Yes its true. Today we celebrate the man behind the porcelain throne – Thomas Crapper.
January 27th is Thomas Crapper Day!
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Take the time to read this - It's important to remember that we are all in this world together and not only need to - but can - live together and rely on each other. We have only to chose to. We can work with the 1%ers. We can work with the cops. We really must learn how.
Take the time to read this - It's important to remember that we are all in this world together and not only need to - but can - live together and rely on each other. We have only to chose to. We can work with the 1%ers. We can work with the cops. We really must learn how.
Originally shared by Robert Scoble
Partying with a great American
I'll be honest. Davos, er, the World Economic Forum, is full of plastic people and lots of bullshit. That's what fame, power, and money do to many people.
I told Loic Le Meur that I was getting tired of Davos but then I spent a couple of hours getting to know Howard Lutnick, CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, and everything changed.
Those of you around a few years might recognize that name. His brother, along with many employees, were killed on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. That got him to spend Cantor Fitzgerald's profits on the families of his employees. That is a story that alone places him amongst the pinacle of corporate leaders in the world.
I knew that story and had already thanked him at a previous Davos for being a great American but tonight he pulled me aside and told me the rest of the story.
He explained his mom died when he was 12 and that his dad died the week he got to college. How? A nurse killed him with an accidental overdose. That alone shocked me, but then he explained how his dad's brother totally failed to step up and take care of the kids, so Howard took over.
I don't need to tell you the story. He told it to his college.
One thing I remember is that he told me the dean at his college called him into the office after his dad died and said something like "don't worry about paying for your education."
He told me tonight that that gift was forgotten at the time. He couldn't process how nice it was because he was struggling to help raise his siblings and just keep his shit together.
But that played a key role later during 9/11 because he realized the role of taking care of people during chaotic times.
As he was telling me this story tears were rolling down my cheek. I have interviewed thousands of corporate leaders and I haven't once heard a story as compelling as Howard's.
Have you? Watch his speech and see if you can keep it together.
Originally shared by Robert Scoble
Partying with a great American
I'll be honest. Davos, er, the World Economic Forum, is full of plastic people and lots of bullshit. That's what fame, power, and money do to many people.
I told Loic Le Meur that I was getting tired of Davos but then I spent a couple of hours getting to know Howard Lutnick, CEO of Cantor Fitzgerald, and everything changed.
Those of you around a few years might recognize that name. His brother, along with many employees, were killed on 9/11 in the World Trade Center. That got him to spend Cantor Fitzgerald's profits on the families of his employees. That is a story that alone places him amongst the pinacle of corporate leaders in the world.
I knew that story and had already thanked him at a previous Davos for being a great American but tonight he pulled me aside and told me the rest of the story.
He explained his mom died when he was 12 and that his dad died the week he got to college. How? A nurse killed him with an accidental overdose. That alone shocked me, but then he explained how his dad's brother totally failed to step up and take care of the kids, so Howard took over.
I don't need to tell you the story. He told it to his college.
One thing I remember is that he told me the dean at his college called him into the office after his dad died and said something like "don't worry about paying for your education."
He told me tonight that that gift was forgotten at the time. He couldn't process how nice it was because he was struggling to help raise his siblings and just keep his shit together.
But that played a key role later during 9/11 because he realized the role of taking care of people during chaotic times.
As he was telling me this story tears were rolling down my cheek. I have interviewed thousands of corporate leaders and I haven't once heard a story as compelling as Howard's.
Have you? Watch his speech and see if you can keep it together.
I can't add anything. Great story - please read...
I can't add anything. Great story - please read...
Originally shared by David Bowden
A good day
I don’t have a picture to go with this story, but it’s a story worth telling. So, get a drink, get comfortable and let me tell you about my bus ride home.
In 2009, I lived in downtown Seattle. I rode the bus to work each day and then back. Public transportation is REAL interesting depending on when you get on it. At business times, it’s all suits and skirts going to work. Dolled up people making impressions, decisions and making the world go round. If you leave a little earlier the busses are empty and if you leave a little later you get to meet people of differing backgrounds, professions and mindsets.
I have seen everything on the public transportation. The buses in downtown Seattle are free during the day so the breadth of people that make use of the system is wide and diverse. Construction workers, city workers, dock workers, crazy people, homeless people, prostitutes, hippies, you name it… I have seen it all.
One day I was on my way home. It was later than usual, but I made the last bus. We were going through our stops (like every 10 feet) and a construction worker got on the bus. He was a tall man, about 6’-3” thin, covered in dust wearing his safety vest and bright yellow hat. He had a paper sack with a bottle in it and something from the market in the other hand. His gate was small and purposeful despite his heighth as he maneuvered onto the bus, sporting a smile from ear to ear.
The ladies on the bus in their fancy outfits looked at this dirty black man, with his bottle and odd grin and shuddered at the thought of him setting next to them. You could see the repugnance in their eyes as he looked for a place to sit…. While wearing a huge smile… he was oblivious to the looks, the quite snide remarks. He finally sat… directly across from me.
Two ladies immediately got up and moved. Shaking their heads in disgust and frustration, the man continued to smile, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings, the bus driver looked back in his mirror with a disapproving scowl. As the ladies migrated to the back of the bus the man nodded his head as to acknowledge their departure.
I had my headphones one while on the bus. I do it on purpose. It allows me the ability to watch people and listen while providing me the excuse of not paying attention. Urban Stealth Mode is that I call it. (yes, if you have kids they do this to you all the time)
I watched the man for a long time. He was now rocking in place, smiling while people continued staring and whispering about him under their breath. I let it go… there was nothing else. Odd perhaps, but he was at least polite. No scene today, no drama. At about the time I realized that indeed people were making much to do over nothing, this man… oblivious, smiling, stopped nodding and rocking, sat up straight and looked directly at me.
“How you doing brother?” he asked.
Caught completely off guard I paused. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to talk to me and we had made at least 20 stops by now so I figured he had settled in for a long ride like the rest of us.
“I’m doing good… a bit tired, but I can’t complain” I replied.
As soon as my mouth opened, several people on the bus looked at me as if I had just committed a mortal sin. Why in G_d’s name am I talking to this man? Everyone looked simply astonished and somewhat insulted that I would encourage him to speak.
We stopped again… more people file on the bus, and nobody sits next to him. He has two empty seats to his left and right and the bus is packed. There was a pause; he went back to rocking and smiling. After a few passing moments he said,
“That’s good… tired means ya worked hard and done good for the day.”
Now, I am intrigued.
“Well good enough I suppose, how was your day?”
At this very moment, everyone within ten feet of me gave me the most horrified look they could muster. What had I done, I was now conversing with this man. Don’t I know they want quite, to be left alone and want him to remain calm..??? I ignored the look.
“Well, I got a raise today. I work one of the cranes for the buildings going up” he said followed by a brief pause. “Yep, good day. I’ve been off heroin for 8 months now, I’m working the crane, I got a raise and now I am going to go home, make my steak and drink my soda” as he pointed to his paper bag with the bottle in it, removing it just a bit to reveal that it was indeed Mountain Dew.
I resisted the urge to fire a look back to everyone around me. They had judged and condemned this man before he even sat down and now… now they knew why he was happy.
“Man that’s great! Good for you! 8 months is an achievement plus a job and now a raise. That is a good day” I shared, watching his smile get bigger.
He was quite for a long time and as the bus stopped he got up, walked over to me, leaned over and gave me a hug. Smile across his face. He turned and went to the front of the bus, looked back at the door and yelled, “God bless you” and stepped off.
Everyone stared, they couldn’t believe that I talked to him, and their jaws all but hit the floor when he hugged me.
It was quite for a long time on the bus.
I put my headphones back on and rode for several more stops. This little ride taught me a real valuable lesson in judgment, support and kindness. All he wanted was to share his good news with someone….. ANYONE. He wanted to be acknowledged; he wanted to feel good about himself. And without even trying I accidently gave him what he was looking for and felt better than I had felt in months in doing so.
I rode that same bus at that time for three weeks hoping I would see him again just so I could see how things were going. I never did. A few months after, I moved to the burbs and out of downtown and lost my chance to meet and witness the random encounters that life sometimes brings.
Sometimes there is a great peace in the randomness of life. It is said that all of our encounters in life are predestined. The relationships we form the people we touch and interact with. That it all has a purpose, even for the briefest of encounters. When I think of this man, his work and the progress he had made, I would like to think that these predestined encounters are true. I say that because I got as much from that conversation as he did and when the next one happens I want to do it right again.
In the end of the hectic, fast paced world that I live in, the stress, the pressure, the heartache …. It was a good day.
Originally shared by David Bowden
A good day
I don’t have a picture to go with this story, but it’s a story worth telling. So, get a drink, get comfortable and let me tell you about my bus ride home.
In 2009, I lived in downtown Seattle. I rode the bus to work each day and then back. Public transportation is REAL interesting depending on when you get on it. At business times, it’s all suits and skirts going to work. Dolled up people making impressions, decisions and making the world go round. If you leave a little earlier the busses are empty and if you leave a little later you get to meet people of differing backgrounds, professions and mindsets.
I have seen everything on the public transportation. The buses in downtown Seattle are free during the day so the breadth of people that make use of the system is wide and diverse. Construction workers, city workers, dock workers, crazy people, homeless people, prostitutes, hippies, you name it… I have seen it all.
One day I was on my way home. It was later than usual, but I made the last bus. We were going through our stops (like every 10 feet) and a construction worker got on the bus. He was a tall man, about 6’-3” thin, covered in dust wearing his safety vest and bright yellow hat. He had a paper sack with a bottle in it and something from the market in the other hand. His gate was small and purposeful despite his heighth as he maneuvered onto the bus, sporting a smile from ear to ear.
The ladies on the bus in their fancy outfits looked at this dirty black man, with his bottle and odd grin and shuddered at the thought of him setting next to them. You could see the repugnance in their eyes as he looked for a place to sit…. While wearing a huge smile… he was oblivious to the looks, the quite snide remarks. He finally sat… directly across from me.
Two ladies immediately got up and moved. Shaking their heads in disgust and frustration, the man continued to smile, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings, the bus driver looked back in his mirror with a disapproving scowl. As the ladies migrated to the back of the bus the man nodded his head as to acknowledge their departure.
I had my headphones one while on the bus. I do it on purpose. It allows me the ability to watch people and listen while providing me the excuse of not paying attention. Urban Stealth Mode is that I call it. (yes, if you have kids they do this to you all the time)
I watched the man for a long time. He was now rocking in place, smiling while people continued staring and whispering about him under their breath. I let it go… there was nothing else. Odd perhaps, but he was at least polite. No scene today, no drama. At about the time I realized that indeed people were making much to do over nothing, this man… oblivious, smiling, stopped nodding and rocking, sat up straight and looked directly at me.
“How you doing brother?” he asked.
Caught completely off guard I paused. I certainly wasn’t expecting him to talk to me and we had made at least 20 stops by now so I figured he had settled in for a long ride like the rest of us.
“I’m doing good… a bit tired, but I can’t complain” I replied.
As soon as my mouth opened, several people on the bus looked at me as if I had just committed a mortal sin. Why in G_d’s name am I talking to this man? Everyone looked simply astonished and somewhat insulted that I would encourage him to speak.
We stopped again… more people file on the bus, and nobody sits next to him. He has two empty seats to his left and right and the bus is packed. There was a pause; he went back to rocking and smiling. After a few passing moments he said,
“That’s good… tired means ya worked hard and done good for the day.”
Now, I am intrigued.
“Well good enough I suppose, how was your day?”
At this very moment, everyone within ten feet of me gave me the most horrified look they could muster. What had I done, I was now conversing with this man. Don’t I know they want quite, to be left alone and want him to remain calm..??? I ignored the look.
“Well, I got a raise today. I work one of the cranes for the buildings going up” he said followed by a brief pause. “Yep, good day. I’ve been off heroin for 8 months now, I’m working the crane, I got a raise and now I am going to go home, make my steak and drink my soda” as he pointed to his paper bag with the bottle in it, removing it just a bit to reveal that it was indeed Mountain Dew.
I resisted the urge to fire a look back to everyone around me. They had judged and condemned this man before he even sat down and now… now they knew why he was happy.
“Man that’s great! Good for you! 8 months is an achievement plus a job and now a raise. That is a good day” I shared, watching his smile get bigger.
He was quite for a long time and as the bus stopped he got up, walked over to me, leaned over and gave me a hug. Smile across his face. He turned and went to the front of the bus, looked back at the door and yelled, “God bless you” and stepped off.
Everyone stared, they couldn’t believe that I talked to him, and their jaws all but hit the floor when he hugged me.
It was quite for a long time on the bus.
I put my headphones back on and rode for several more stops. This little ride taught me a real valuable lesson in judgment, support and kindness. All he wanted was to share his good news with someone….. ANYONE. He wanted to be acknowledged; he wanted to feel good about himself. And without even trying I accidently gave him what he was looking for and felt better than I had felt in months in doing so.
I rode that same bus at that time for three weeks hoping I would see him again just so I could see how things were going. I never did. A few months after, I moved to the burbs and out of downtown and lost my chance to meet and witness the random encounters that life sometimes brings.
Sometimes there is a great peace in the randomness of life. It is said that all of our encounters in life are predestined. The relationships we form the people we touch and interact with. That it all has a purpose, even for the briefest of encounters. When I think of this man, his work and the progress he had made, I would like to think that these predestined encounters are true. I say that because I got as much from that conversation as he did and when the next one happens I want to do it right again.
In the end of the hectic, fast paced world that I live in, the stress, the pressure, the heartache …. It was a good day.
The world's most influential political and business leaders are gathering in an upmarket ski resort in the Swiss Alps this week to discuss the biggest challenges facing society in 2012.
The world's most influential political and business leaders are gathering in an upmarket ski resort in the Swiss Alps this week to discuss the biggest challenges facing society in 2012.
Hey - at least they're talking about it. Every journey begins with a step...
Hey - at least they're talking about it. Every journey begins with a step...
Originally shared by ****
Reducing inequality and remodeling capitalism are hot topics among billionaires at Davos
Originally shared by ****
Reducing inequality and remodeling capitalism are hot topics among billionaires at Davos
Wait up - Slow down - Set a spell... You deserve a breather. Remember when you could just sit and listen to (or tell) a story. You still can;go ahead. The internet will do just fine while you take a break....
Wait up - Slow down - Set a spell... You deserve a breather. Remember when you could just sit and listen to (or tell) a story. You still can;go ahead. The internet will do just fine while you take a break....
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Originally shared by Lil Peck
Originally shared by Lil Peck
Please sign petition asking the DMS-5 Committee not to lump Asperger's and Autism together, which could reduce availability of services to those who need them. Reasons why are on the link below.
Please sign petition asking the DMS-5 Committee not to lump Asperger's and Autism together, which could reduce availability of services to those who need them. Reasons why are on the link below.
Have a terrible O-Day Losers :-(
Have a terrible O-Day Losers :-(
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
We all #Occupy in our own way...

We all #Occupy in our own way...
Occupy Palm Beach at the GAIM conference.
Living in Florida, this is shaping up to be a tough week. Non-stop GOP ads on TV, Youtube, the newspaper. I'm sick of it already. Sick of it, I say... So reading the paper this morning was a real buzz killer, right? I gave up and went to the local section for a break. I found this headline -
Living in Florida, this is shaping up to be a tough week. Non-stop GOP ads on TV, Youtube, the newspaper. I'm sick of it already. Sick of it, I say... So reading the paper this morning was a real buzz killer, right? I gave up and went to the local section for a break. I found this headline -
Sewer Line Breaks - Stench of Human Waste Fills the Air.
Really ? Seriously ? Is there no escape from political news ?
Sewer Line Breaks - Stench of Human Waste Fills the Air.
Really ? Seriously ? Is there no escape from political news ?
Tap your toes, Smile, Laugh, Get in the Mood to celebrate
Tap your toes, Smile, Laugh, Get in the Mood to celebrate
Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24,
Global Belly Laugh Day, January 24,
Please visit or
Please visit or
get involved - Occupy - because America needs you...
Protests against Fidelity & Wells Fargo for their Role in Immigrant Detention
Protests against Fidelity & Wells Fargo for their Role in Immigrant Detention
What: Protestors across the country will converge on January 24, 2012, in 15 major cities on branches of Wells Fargo Bank, and FMR/Fidelity to demand that they abandon their roles in the nation’s rapidly expanding for-profit immigrant detention system.
What: Protestors across the country will converge on January 24, 2012, in 15 major cities on branches of Wells Fargo Bank, and FMR/Fidelity to demand that they abandon their roles in the nation’s rapidly expanding for-profit immigrant detention system.
It should be a busy week for all the Florida Occupations. This is what democracy looks like after all.
It should be a busy week for all the Florida Occupations. This is what democracy looks like after all.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Express Yourself Through Handwriting on National Handwriting Day
Express Yourself Through Handwriting on National Handwriting Day
Sunday, January 22, 2012
I've long considered the traditional symbol with it's inherent contrast and complimentary nature to be a viable way to think about things. Lately it has occurred to me that a more nuanced view might be more accurate. Yes there is good and bad or black and white, but only at the edges.
I've long considered the traditional symbol with it's inherent contrast and complimentary nature to be a viable way to think about things. Lately it has occurred to me that a more nuanced view might be more accurate. Yes there is good and bad or black and white, but only at the edges.
I've always thought that the dividing line between to two is where the "action" is. In todays society I believe that I've had it backwards. The extremes, the edges are where it's all happening. I've looked at it from a flat plane perspective. The view we see shows; at least in this image; greys fading towards each other. I think of the white line as a symbolic marker rather than a separator.
This view I believe is more accurate. The closer to the divider the closer the people or ideas are to each other. Towards the edges you find blacker blacks and purer whites. And here is where it gets interesting. If this is a two dimensional representation of a globe -
The black and the white still come together but on the other side.
I've always thought that the dividing line between to two is where the "action" is. In todays society I believe that I've had it backwards. The extremes, the edges are where it's all happening. I've looked at it from a flat plane perspective. The view we see shows; at least in this image; greys fading towards each other. I think of the white line as a symbolic marker rather than a separator.
This view I believe is more accurate. The closer to the divider the closer the people or ideas are to each other. Towards the edges you find blacker blacks and purer whites. And here is where it gets interesting. If this is a two dimensional representation of a globe -
The black and the white still come together but on the other side.
ht to Michael Mozart -I'm checking this out now
ht to Michael Mozart -I'm checking this out now
Originally shared by Joanna Słupek (Spriggana)
OK, this… is mindboggling. I’m copying the whole thing from J. Michael Straczynski’s public profile on Fb.
The original is here:
Group participation: what's wrong with this picture?
I ordered some video-editing software from Hitfilm in the UK which also comes with some instructional videos. So a few days later I get a call from FedEx saying that the DVDs were being held at U.S. Customs until I filled out a Video Declaration Form, which she said was now standard practice. Now, I'd never heard of this before, so I called back to ensure that this was indeed FedEx and not someone phishing for information. Had them email me the form.
This is what the form said: "I/we declare the the films/videos contain no obscene or immoral matter, nor any matter advocating or urging treason or insurrection against the United States, nor any threat to take the life of or inflict bodily harm upon any person in the United States."
Now, the first clause I can kinda see, though "immoral" is weird and there's no standard definition of obscenity in the US, but let that go...what made my eyebrows go up my forehead and down the other side was clause two. So I called back the nice lady at FedEx -- who was only following instructions given to her by Customs -- and asked what this was all about.
Apparently -- and this is only her understanding of the situation -- this is a new thing being done by Customs and Homeland Security with FedEx, UPS, and other carriers to make sure that films and videos with ideas or stories that were at odds with the United States Government didn't get into the country, as it was a form of terrorism (as further elaborated upon in the third and final clause.) She added that some DVDs showing Occupy events in London and elsewhere had gotten bounced because of the concern that these were being used to coordinate activities here (as if with the internet people actually need physical DVDs for that sort of thing but that's neither here nor there).
Under this new stipulation, if V for Vendetta had, for instance, been produced in the UK (instead of just filmed there), importing it into the US would be considered subject matter "advocating or urging treason or insurrection." And if you lied about it on the form, you could be held liable for this.
So there are now very literally guardians at the gate ensuring that the wrong sorts of ideas, movies or DVDs are not allowed into the country without investigation and/or prosecution. And most pernicious of all, they don't actually define what they mean by advocating treason or insurrection, any more than they define what "immoral" means, it's whatever they decide it means, so you could be breaking the law without knowing you're doing it, until they decide you're doing it.
Originally shared by Joanna Słupek (Spriggana)
OK, this… is mindboggling. I’m copying the whole thing from J. Michael Straczynski’s public profile on Fb.
The original is here:
Group participation: what's wrong with this picture?
I ordered some video-editing software from Hitfilm in the UK which also comes with some instructional videos. So a few days later I get a call from FedEx saying that the DVDs were being held at U.S. Customs until I filled out a Video Declaration Form, which she said was now standard practice. Now, I'd never heard of this before, so I called back to ensure that this was indeed FedEx and not someone phishing for information. Had them email me the form.
This is what the form said: "I/we declare the the films/videos contain no obscene or immoral matter, nor any matter advocating or urging treason or insurrection against the United States, nor any threat to take the life of or inflict bodily harm upon any person in the United States."
Now, the first clause I can kinda see, though "immoral" is weird and there's no standard definition of obscenity in the US, but let that go...what made my eyebrows go up my forehead and down the other side was clause two. So I called back the nice lady at FedEx -- who was only following instructions given to her by Customs -- and asked what this was all about.
Apparently -- and this is only her understanding of the situation -- this is a new thing being done by Customs and Homeland Security with FedEx, UPS, and other carriers to make sure that films and videos with ideas or stories that were at odds with the United States Government didn't get into the country, as it was a form of terrorism (as further elaborated upon in the third and final clause.) She added that some DVDs showing Occupy events in London and elsewhere had gotten bounced because of the concern that these were being used to coordinate activities here (as if with the internet people actually need physical DVDs for that sort of thing but that's neither here nor there).
Under this new stipulation, if V for Vendetta had, for instance, been produced in the UK (instead of just filmed there), importing it into the US would be considered subject matter "advocating or urging treason or insurrection." And if you lied about it on the form, you could be held liable for this.
So there are now very literally guardians at the gate ensuring that the wrong sorts of ideas, movies or DVDs are not allowed into the country without investigation and/or prosecution. And most pernicious of all, they don't actually define what they mean by advocating treason or insurrection, any more than they define what "immoral" means, it's whatever they decide it means, so you could be breaking the law without knowing you're doing it, until they decide you're doing it.
My thoughts for #sacredsunday - as told by Tyson
My thoughts for #sacredsunday - as told by Tyson
This is what it's like in that head of yours ?
This is what it's like in that head of yours ?
Originally shared by Michael Marciano
Funny Video
Originally shared by Michael Marciano
Funny Video
How many times are we mystified by something our feline companions do? How many times do we wish that they could speak human, or we could be better at understanding feline? Cats’ behavior may not make sense to us, but it always makes purrfect sense to them.
How many times are we mystified by something our feline companions do? How many times do we wish that they could speak human, or we could be better at understanding feline? Cats’ behavior may not make sense to us, but it always makes purrfect sense to them.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Gurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a German, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Jap, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Jordanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, an Italian, a Norwegian, an Argentine, and a Libyan walked into a bar.
An Englishman, a Scotsman, an Irishman, a Welshman, a Gurkha, a Latvian, a Turk, an Aussie, a German, a Yank, an Egyptian, a Jap, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Russian, a Pole, a Lithuanian, a Jordanian, a Swede, a Finn, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Swiss, a Greek, an Italian, a Norwegian, an Argentine, and a Libyan walked into a bar.
The bartender said, Sorry I can't let you in without a Thai.
The bartender said, Sorry I can't let you in without a Thai.
Thank goodness that's over. Oh snap, now they're all coming to Florida.
Thank goodness that's over. Oh snap, now they're all coming to Florida.
Is that cat saying "Grace" ?

Is that cat saying "Grace" ?
Sorry Tracy - It's a beautiful picture and sentiment.
Originally shared by Tracy Zamarias
The way we all should live.....
I lesson in politics that is just a valid today....
I lesson in politics that is just a valid today....
Dalai Lama -There is a saying in Tibetan that “at the door of the miserable rich man sleeps the contented beggar.” The point of this saying is not that poverty is a virtue, but that happiness does not come from wealth, but from setting limits to one’s desires, and living within those limits with satisfaction.
Dalai Lama -There is a saying in Tibetan that “at the door of the miserable rich man sleeps the contented beggar.” The point of this saying is not that poverty is a virtue, but that happiness does not come from wealth, but from setting limits to one’s desires, and living within those limits with satisfaction.
Me - I suppose that if it was good enough for "Dirty Harry" it should be good enough for me. Somehow I keep thinking of Browning - "“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?”
Okay, it wasn't me but Robert Browning and I'm no Dalai Lama but I've been thing about these two concepts. Is the secret of happiness that we should not want too much?
Me - I suppose that if it was good enough for "Dirty Harry" it should be good enough for me. Somehow I keep thinking of Browning - "“Ah, but a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a heaven for?”
Okay, it wasn't me but Robert Browning and I'm no Dalai Lama but I've been thing about these two concepts. Is the secret of happiness that we should not want too much?
This should be on the "Whats Hot" feed..
This should be on the "Whats Hot" feed..
Originally shared by ****
Obama is a Muslim
Muppets are Communists
Such ideas are hard to refuse
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News
One thing I would swear by
Gretchen and Mike and that other guy
What motive would they have to lie?
After all, they work for Fox News
Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rove
How can people not trust their views?
After all, they saved America and rid us of Saddam
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News
What’s wrong with joining the tea party
And fighting big government today
They’re what’s wrong with America
Hope my Social Security’s on the way
This whole thing about using facts
And doing research – what a pain!
Just say whatever comes to your mind
Truth and lies, they’re all the same.
Oh sure! You say “that’s nonsense!
The truth should not be abused!”
But if in fact you really feel that way
You’re probably not watching Fox News
When they talk about global warming
Or that corporations aren’t people
It’s all just a Liberal ruse
I know what’s right and what’s wrong
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News!
Originally shared by ****
Obama is a Muslim
Muppets are Communists
Such ideas are hard to refuse
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News
One thing I would swear by
Gretchen and Mike and that other guy
What motive would they have to lie?
After all, they work for Fox News
Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Rove
How can people not trust their views?
After all, they saved America and rid us of Saddam
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News
What’s wrong with joining the tea party
And fighting big government today
They’re what’s wrong with America
Hope my Social Security’s on the way
This whole thing about using facts
And doing research – what a pain!
Just say whatever comes to your mind
Truth and lies, they’re all the same.
Oh sure! You say “that’s nonsense!
The truth should not be abused!”
But if in fact you really feel that way
You’re probably not watching Fox News
When they talk about global warming
Or that corporations aren’t people
It’s all just a Liberal ruse
I know what’s right and what’s wrong
‘Cause I saw it on Fox News!
Cool - now I don't have to find a cat thing to post...

Cool - now I don't have to find a cat thing to post...
Originally shared by Matt Senter
The Cats Have Taken Over G+ -
Sometimes I feel like this is what is becoming of Google+. Please, have your cat gifs spayed our neutered. We don't need them overrunning the circleverse. =)
see I'm not the only one...
see I'm not the only one...
Originally shared by Lisa Bimmerz
This is a joke, right...? If not, what a nutty idea!
Just when you think you've seen and heard it all, along come this nutty holiday!
"Squirrels have had a busy year. They've faced off with a Lamborghini, set off a fire alarm and invaded an ER. Perhaps best known as the animal that likes acorns and gets run over by cars a lot, it's about time we take a step back to appreciate the finer side of squirrels."
"National Geographic reports that there are over 200 squirrel species throughout the world, with sizes ranging from just five inches long (nose to tail) to three feet long. They're wily creatures -- according to NWF, squirrels hide their food through a complex process where they pretend to bury the item multiple times before actually choosing a hiding spot."
"They've faced many challenges over the past year, surviving hurricanes, dealing with pepper-spraying officers, and being confronted with potential acorn shortages."
"According to the National Wildlife Federation, Squirrel Appreciation Day was created in 2011 by Christy Hargrove, a wildlife rehabilitator from North Carolina."
Originally shared by Lisa Bimmerz
This is a joke, right...? If not, what a nutty idea!
Just when you think you've seen and heard it all, along come this nutty holiday!
"Squirrels have had a busy year. They've faced off with a Lamborghini, set off a fire alarm and invaded an ER. Perhaps best known as the animal that likes acorns and gets run over by cars a lot, it's about time we take a step back to appreciate the finer side of squirrels."
"National Geographic reports that there are over 200 squirrel species throughout the world, with sizes ranging from just five inches long (nose to tail) to three feet long. They're wily creatures -- according to NWF, squirrels hide their food through a complex process where they pretend to bury the item multiple times before actually choosing a hiding spot."
"They've faced many challenges over the past year, surviving hurricanes, dealing with pepper-spraying officers, and being confronted with potential acorn shortages."
"According to the National Wildlife Federation, Squirrel Appreciation Day was created in 2011 by Christy Hargrove, a wildlife rehabilitator from North Carolina."
We all hug in different ways and the way we hug means a lot. Batchelors Hug in a Mug has identified five different hugs -
We all hug in different ways and the way we hug means a lot. Batchelors Hug in a Mug has identified five different hugs -
Friday, January 20, 2012
Via Kimberly Castleberry - it works - annie bodnar already sent me an answer.

Via Kimberly Castleberry - it works - annie bodnar already sent me an answer.
Originally shared by Mike Downes
Try this: Search on Google scroll down to the bottom Ask on Google + and Share in one click ..
International Fetish Day - It's not just about whips and leather.
(tell us about yours - pix or it didn't happen)
Take a moment to consider: Penguin Awareness Day
Take a moment to consider: Penguin Awareness Day
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Does anybody know what tomorrow is ?

Does anybody know what tomorrow is ?
tks anna ht to Ultimateecards
The Town of Tequesta is just a short drive north on US-1. The police have an automatic license plate reader system that takes a picture of every car that drives through the town. The residents have expressed their support and want the town to set up more of them. This is not a "gated community" or an enclave of rich people, just an average working class/middle class kind of place.
The Town of Tequesta is just a short drive north on US-1. The police have an automatic license plate reader system that takes a picture of every car that drives through the town. The residents have expressed their support and want the town to set up more of them. This is not a "gated community" or an enclave of rich people, just an average working class/middle class kind of place.
Does your town do this ? Would you like them to ? Remember, every car gets snapped and id'd. If you have an unpaid ticket or didn't pay you car insurance, the police will be looking for you. If the DHS has flagged you as a "journalist" or a protester, they will know where you are. Did you sign a petition lately ? Are you the 99% ? Did you ever use Pirate Bay ? Are you behind on you college loan payments ?
Does your town do this ? Would you like them to ? Remember, every car gets snapped and id'd. If you have an unpaid ticket or didn't pay you car insurance, the police will be looking for you. If the DHS has flagged you as a "journalist" or a protester, they will know where you are. Did you sign a petition lately ? Are you the 99% ? Did you ever use Pirate Bay ? Are you behind on you college loan payments ?
Originally shared by ted kelly
The 9th Annual
Women in Blue Jeans Conference
January 19-20, 2012
Highland Conference Center
2000 Highland Way
Mitchell, SD
Celebrating Women of Rural America
Originally shared by ted kelly
The 9th Annual
Women in Blue Jeans Conference
January 19-20, 2012
Highland Conference Center
2000 Highland Way
Mitchell, SD
Celebrating Women of Rural America
The 9th Annual
The 9th Annual
Women in Blue Jeans Conference
January 19-20, 2012
Highland Conference Center
2000 Highland Way
Mitchell, SD
Celebrating Women of Rural America
Women in Blue Jeans Conference
January 19-20, 2012
Highland Conference Center
2000 Highland Way
Mitchell, SD
Celebrating Women of Rural America
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Originally shared by Michele “snaggletooth” vonHild

Originally shared by Michele “snaggletooth” vonHild
Steampunk Command Center...nicey
██ ████████ ██████ ██████████ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██████████ ██
██ ████████ ██████ ██████████ ██ ████ ██ ████ ██████████ ██
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Monday, January 16, 2012
Originally shared by ****
Originally shared by ****
VIDEO: Police Officer Caught By Dash Cam Video Planting Drugs on Suspect #PoliceBrutality #PlantingDrugs
VIDEO: Police Officer Caught By Dash Cam Video Planting Drugs on Suspect #PoliceBrutality #PlantingDrugs
last reshare - I swear
last reshare - I swear
Originally shared by ted kelly
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
Originally shared by ted kelly
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Happy Hunt for Happiness Week
Happy Hunt for Happiness Week
Originally shared by ted kelly
Originally shared by ted kelly
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
HT to Bret Weinstein

HT to Bret Weinstein
Originally shared by Alireza Yavari
So, I've been thinking about the best way to go dark on Jan 18 to protest against SOPA.
Here is my suggestion. We can change our profile pictures and post only one plain black image the whole day.
If you think it makes sense please spread the word.
The photos are available for download at:
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
National Religious Freedom Day commemorates the Virginia General Assembly's adoption of Thomas Jefferson's landmark Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom on January 16, 1786. This vital document became the basis for the establishment clause, and led to freedom of religion for all Americans as protected in the religion clause in the U.S. Constitution's First Amendment
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
The goal of is to promote and protect students' religious expression rights by informing educators, parents, and students about these liberties.
Originally shared by Lisa Bimmerz

Originally shared by Lisa Bimmerz
Looking at you Paul Wertanen... ;o)
Originally shared by Todd Karl
Originally shared by Todd Karl A follower of mine on twitter needs help finding her sister please send out and contact her if you have any info! A follower of mine on twitter needs help finding her sister please send out and contact her if you have any info!
Originally shared by Trev W
Originally shared by Trev W
My skeptics circle. All the people here fit into the above broad category in some way. They may not relentlessly post within that category but many of them do. Plenty of good reading and viewing comes out of this circle for me.
It's been a couple or three months since I've shared this one so it has grown a bit. As always if you're in it you've got a notification to let you know you've been shared.
My skeptics circle. All the people here fit into the above broad category in some way. They may not relentlessly post within that category but many of them do. Plenty of good reading and viewing comes out of this circle for me.
It's been a couple or three months since I've shared this one so it has grown a bit. As always if you're in it you've got a notification to let you know you've been shared.
Why does Linda always find the coolest stuff?
Why does Linda always find the coolest stuff?
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
Best "Gone Dark" Site template I've seen so far! Hover your mouse around the page on the STOP SOPA link below.
Template and more information here:
Post, info and comments with more info here:
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
Best "Gone Dark" Site template I've seen so far! Hover your mouse around the page on the STOP SOPA link below.
Template and more information here:
Post, info and comments with more info here:
Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal

Originally shared by Chris Phenomenal
Rock out with a Steampunk guitar.
I signed - won't you ?
I signed - won't you ?
Originally shared by Dori Easter
Petition: The U.S. Senate: Repeal The NDAA Bill |
Originally shared by Dori Easter
Petition: The U.S. Senate: Repeal The NDAA Bill |
Please reshare and help.
Please reshare and help.
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
The Haden Act gives rescuers and the public more time to seek options for the animals no one cares for anymore. Without the Hayden Act, California shelter animals and their rescuers will have no option. They will be, as before, waiting in a cold dank cell to be killed.
Please contact Governor Jerry Brown’s office to voice support of the Hayden Act and it’s protection of California’s most valuable resource…its companion animals. Contact information at the link below. Please reshare.
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
The Haden Act gives rescuers and the public more time to seek options for the animals no one cares for anymore. Without the Hayden Act, California shelter animals and their rescuers will have no option. They will be, as before, waiting in a cold dank cell to be killed.
Please contact Governor Jerry Brown’s office to voice support of the Hayden Act and it’s protection of California’s most valuable resource…its companion animals. Contact information at the link below. Please reshare.
it really must be my lucky day

it really must be my lucky day
Originally shared by Susan Prediger
Fern Scroll Heart
A lovely heart I found one day on a walk in the woods
#HeartsOnSunday curated by Elaine Baylon
What does the NDAA look like to you ?
What does the NDAA look like to you ?
Now, five years after my release, I am trying to put my memories behind me.
Still, it is hard not to think about my time at Guantanamo and to wonder how it is possible that a democratic government can detain people in intolerable conditions and without a fair trial.
Now, five years after my release, I am trying to put my memories behind me.
Still, it is hard not to think about my time at Guantanamo and to wonder how it is possible that a democratic government can detain people in intolerable conditions and without a fair trial.
Is it even the home of the brave ?
Is it even the home of the brave ?
Originally shared by Tim O'Reilly
Ten Reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free.
The Washington Post this morning has a sobering and courageous story: Ten Reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free.
"While each new national security power Washington has embraced was controversial when enacted, they are often discussed in isolation. But they don’t operate in isolation. They form a mosaic of powers under which our country could be considered, at least in part, authoritarian. Americans often proclaim our nation as a symbol of freedom to the world while dismissing nations such as Cuba and China as categorically unfree. Yet, objectively, we may be only half right. Those countries do lack basic individual rights such as due process, placing them outside any reasonable definition of “free,” but the United States now has much more in common with such regimes than anyone may like to admit.
"These countries also have constitutions that purport to guarantee freedoms and rights. But their governments have broad discretion in denying those rights and few real avenues for challenges by citizens — precisely the problem with the new laws in this country.
"The list of powers acquired by the U.S. government since 9/11 puts us in rather troubling company."
Here's a list of the issues discussed in the article:
Assassination of U.S. citizens
Indefinite detention
No right to a civilian trial
Warrantless searches
Secret Evidence
US officials have immunity from War Crimes prosecution
Secret courts with secret evidence
Immunity from Judicial review
Continuous monitoring of citizens
Extraordinary rendition
It was easy to blame Bush for introducing these new powers in the anti-terrorist mania after 9/11. What's inexcusable is the way that President Obama's administration has extended these powers. Change indeed. The first politician who really stands for restoring freedom would make me abandon Obama in a heartbeat. Give me a politician of any party who will make a serious commitment to restoring our nation's commitment to freedom, and he or she will have my vote.
The story ends with an appeal to our nation's storied history:
"The framers lived under autocratic rule and understood this danger better than we do. James Madison famously warned that we needed a system that did not depend on the good intentions or motivations of our rulers: 'If men were angels, no government would be necessary.'"
"Benjamin Franklin was more direct. In 1787, a Mrs. Powel confronted Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked, 'Well, Doctor, what have we got — a republic or a monarchy?' His response was a bit chilling: 'A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.'”
"Since 9/11, we have created the very government the framers feared: a government with sweeping and largely unchecked powers resting on the hope that they will be used wisely."
Originally shared by Tim O'Reilly
Ten Reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free.
The Washington Post this morning has a sobering and courageous story: Ten Reasons the U.S. is no longer the land of the free.
"While each new national security power Washington has embraced was controversial when enacted, they are often discussed in isolation. But they don’t operate in isolation. They form a mosaic of powers under which our country could be considered, at least in part, authoritarian. Americans often proclaim our nation as a symbol of freedom to the world while dismissing nations such as Cuba and China as categorically unfree. Yet, objectively, we may be only half right. Those countries do lack basic individual rights such as due process, placing them outside any reasonable definition of “free,” but the United States now has much more in common with such regimes than anyone may like to admit.
"These countries also have constitutions that purport to guarantee freedoms and rights. But their governments have broad discretion in denying those rights and few real avenues for challenges by citizens — precisely the problem with the new laws in this country.
"The list of powers acquired by the U.S. government since 9/11 puts us in rather troubling company."
Here's a list of the issues discussed in the article:
Assassination of U.S. citizens
Indefinite detention
No right to a civilian trial
Warrantless searches
Secret Evidence
US officials have immunity from War Crimes prosecution
Secret courts with secret evidence
Immunity from Judicial review
Continuous monitoring of citizens
Extraordinary rendition
It was easy to blame Bush for introducing these new powers in the anti-terrorist mania after 9/11. What's inexcusable is the way that President Obama's administration has extended these powers. Change indeed. The first politician who really stands for restoring freedom would make me abandon Obama in a heartbeat. Give me a politician of any party who will make a serious commitment to restoring our nation's commitment to freedom, and he or she will have my vote.
The story ends with an appeal to our nation's storied history:
"The framers lived under autocratic rule and understood this danger better than we do. James Madison famously warned that we needed a system that did not depend on the good intentions or motivations of our rulers: 'If men were angels, no government would be necessary.'"
"Benjamin Franklin was more direct. In 1787, a Mrs. Powel confronted Franklin after the signing of the Constitution and asked, 'Well, Doctor, what have we got — a republic or a monarchy?' His response was a bit chilling: 'A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.'”
"Since 9/11, we have created the very government the framers feared: a government with sweeping and largely unchecked powers resting on the hope that they will be used wisely."
Dear Mr President
Dear Mr President
Please don't make me vote for that crazy old man. I have been one of your most solid supporters until recently. I have questioned some things but kept those questions to myself. I have supported you at Occupy meetings and online. I've supported you to tea party people and conservatives and birthers and liberals who were losing confidence.
I cannot justify the detention provisions in the NDAA though. I need not run on and on and I don't suppose you will actually see this message, but I believe that you understand the importance of this to the voters of this country. I hope at least that someone make a note of this on a tally sheet or something. I believe you must do something about this matter or we will be left with a -
I can't even complete the thought. You know what is in store for us in any new administration. Please don't let that happen.
Please don't make me vote for that crazy old man. I have been one of your most solid supporters until recently. I have questioned some things but kept those questions to myself. I have supported you at Occupy meetings and online. I've supported you to tea party people and conservatives and birthers and liberals who were losing confidence.
I cannot justify the detention provisions in the NDAA though. I need not run on and on and I don't suppose you will actually see this message, but I believe that you understand the importance of this to the voters of this country. I hope at least that someone make a note of this on a tally sheet or something. I believe you must do something about this matter or we will be left with a -
I can't even complete the thought. You know what is in store for us in any new administration. Please don't let that happen.
Illen ? It's up to you to decide.
Illen ? It's up to you to decide.
World Religion DayWorld Religion Day was initiated in 1950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. The Assembly’s purpose was to call attention to the harmony of spiritual principles and the oneness of the world’s religions and to emphasize that religion is the motivating force for world unity.
World Religion DayWorld Religion Day was initiated in 1950 by the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of the United States. The Assembly’s purpose was to call attention to the harmony of spiritual principles and the oneness of the world’s religions and to emphasize that religion is the motivating force for world unity.
It's sort of about corporate personhood if you have lost track of what occupy is up to.
It's sort of about corporate personhood if you have lost track of what occupy is up to.
Originally shared by Occupy Movement
#J17 Occupy Congress January 17, 2012, Washington, D.C.
Occupy the Courts January 20, 2012
List of locations
Originally shared by Occupy Movement
#J17 Occupy Congress January 17, 2012, Washington, D.C.
Occupy the Courts January 20, 2012
List of locations
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Why, I bet he listens to the Dixie Chicks! - Jim Wright
Why, I bet he listens to the Dixie Chicks! - Jim Wright
Originally shared by Denise Malia
via James Wright
Originally shared by Denise Malia
via James Wright
Washington needs to hear your best ideas about how to clamp down on rogue websites and other criminals who make money off the creative efforts of American artists and rights holders. We should all be committed to working with all interested constituencies to develop new legal tools to protect global intellectual property rights without jeopardizing the openness of the Internet. Our hope is that you will bring enthusiasm and know-how to this important challenge.
Washington needs to hear your best ideas about how to clamp down on rogue websites and other criminals who make money off the creative efforts of American artists and rights holders. We should all be committed to working with all interested constituencies to develop new legal tools to protect global intellectual property rights without jeopardizing the openness of the Internet. Our hope is that you will bring enthusiasm and know-how to this important challenge.
Originally shared by Elizabeth “I Am Sidhe” Bathory
Found this in my inbox this morning. #STOPSOPA
"Combating Online Piracy while Protecting an Open and Innovative Internet"!/response/combating-online-piracy-while-protecting-open-and-innovative-internet
Originally shared by Elizabeth “I Am Sidhe” Bathory
Found this in my inbox this morning. #STOPSOPA
"Combating Online Piracy while Protecting an Open and Innovative Internet"!/response/combating-online-piracy-while-protecting-open-and-innovative-internet
On March 5, 2000 Ines Ramirez performed a caesarean section on herself. She is believed to be the first woman to have successfully performed the surgery on herself.
On March 5, 2000 Ines Ramirez performed a caesarean section on herself. She is believed to be the first woman to have successfully performed the surgery on herself.
Top that, Chuck Norris!
Top that, Chuck Norris!
I needed a musical pick-me-up...
I needed a musical pick-me-up...
Hi Rob L Woodson III, how're you?
Hi Rob L Woodson III, how're you?
Either I'm totally confused or G+ is totally confused . I'd swear I was following you already...
Either I'm totally confused or G+ is totally confused . I'd swear I was following you already...
Friday, January 13, 2012
From ReadWriteWeb by Marshall Kirkpatrick
From ReadWriteWeb by Marshall Kirkpatrick
Facebook has cut a deal with political website Politico that allows the independent site machine-access to Facebook users' messages, both public and private, when a Republican Presidential candidate is mentioned by name. The data is being collected and analyzed for sentiment by Facebook's data team, then delivered to Politico to serve as the basis of data-driven political analysis and journalism.
Sorry- I forgot who shared this to me. I wonder what the same graph would look like from the Google info pool...
RIP Richard - we miss you
RIP Richard - we miss you
via - Mike Budd
Last week one of our own passed. Richard Starr was a positive force and a great asset to our movement. His enthusiasm was infectious, and he participated in every event that we organized. You could always spot his brilliant smile and signature joker's hat standing out in the crowd. His death is a loss for all of us, but we will continue to press on, to organize and to Occupy, with his spirit always alive in our actions.
We have moved the GA this Saturday in order to accommodate those attending Richard's funeral. We will also hold a Memorial Service for him on Saturday, January 28.
via - Mike Budd
Last week one of our own passed. Richard Starr was a positive force and a great asset to our movement. His enthusiasm was infectious, and he participated in every event that we organized. You could always spot his brilliant smile and signature joker's hat standing out in the crowd. His death is a loss for all of us, but we will continue to press on, to organize and to Occupy, with his spirit always alive in our actions.
We have moved the GA this Saturday in order to accommodate those attending Richard's funeral. We will also hold a Memorial Service for him on Saturday, January 28.
I can't understand why this is not a national holiday ....
I can't understand why this is not a national holiday ....
January 13, 1910 was the birth of public radio! Parteee!
January 13, 1910 was the birth of public radio! Parteee!
Thursday, January 12, 2012
At this time, there are several established occupation camps in south Florida where people can live in the time surrounding the convergence. There is also a public transit system between Miami and Palm Beach, the TriRail, which also stops in Boca Raton.
At this time, there are several established occupation camps in south Florida where people can live in the time surrounding the convergence. There is also a public transit system between Miami and Palm Beach, the TriRail, which also stops in Boca Raton.
You need to write. You need to write every day. I'm not telling you anything you don't know, am I ?
You need to write. You need to write every day. I'm not telling you anything you don't know, am I ?
Originally shared by Bliss Morgan
I've made a page for the Days of Grey project, upcoming in February; if you got a notification, it is because you signed up to play in the project!
Prior to it starting, I want to begin pulling together prompts, which leads me to this:
Do you guys want to fight the midwinterdarksad by writing happy things and sunbright bits, or by writing nastydarkhorrorfic to get the badness out (like we did during Nightmare Fuel)?
I will put those two options in the first two comments - +1 your choice. And if you want to participate, make sure you go follow the Days of Grey page, because that's where all the prompts will be!
Originally shared by Bliss Morgan
I've made a page for the Days of Grey project, upcoming in February; if you got a notification, it is because you signed up to play in the project!
Prior to it starting, I want to begin pulling together prompts, which leads me to this:
Do you guys want to fight the midwinterdarksad by writing happy things and sunbright bits, or by writing nastydarkhorrorfic to get the badness out (like we did during Nightmare Fuel)?
I will put those two options in the first two comments - +1 your choice. And if you want to participate, make sure you go follow the Days of Grey page, because that's where all the prompts will be!
I hope it's ok to send you something that I think you might like.

I hope it's ok to send you something that I think you might like.
Originally shared by Eren Mckay
Awesome sexy shoe car :o)
Pawn Stars bobble-heads are marked down. Come on peoples, you can get a full set for under $80...
Pawn Stars bobble-heads are marked down. Come on peoples, you can get a full set for under $80...
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Originally shared by Martha Carr
Originally shared by Martha Carr
My young cousin, Ian is still missing from a trip to NYC. SHARE this post - take a look at the picture - someone is bound to see him. Help us bring Ian home
My young cousin, Ian is still missing from a trip to NYC. SHARE this post - take a look at the picture - someone is bound to see him. Help us bring Ian home
Originally shared by Richard Robello

Originally shared by Richard Robello
This girl is a friend's cousin and she is missing. Was on her way home last night and never made it. Please keep an eye out. Last seen with Angel Garcia in Oceanside, he doesn't know where she is. She is 5' 5", weighs 115 lbs, brown hair brown eyes...wearing black and yellow shirt with black skinny jeans If any body know ANYTHING please contact the escondido police department refer to case #12-00465 EVERYONE PLEASE REPOST THIS! The more people that know her image the better chance there is to find her.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
As Christmas came near I found myself distracted and irritated by the frequency and intensity of the anti-religious posts I was seeing. I decided to live and let live and refrain from replying. I figured that the non-stop Christmas stuff was disturbing to some of the more militant Atheists in my stream.
As Christmas came near I found myself distracted and irritated by the frequency and intensity of the anti-religious posts I was seeing. I decided to live and let live and refrain from replying. I figured that the non-stop Christmas stuff was disturbing to some of the more militant Atheists in my stream.
I called a truce and simply moved some people from my main stream into my "circular file" stream. I figured that I'd move most of them back into circulation after the holidays. I thought things might calm down after a while and frankly, I miss seeing a lot of them.
So I started to bring them back over the weekend. It might have been too soon though. I have not enjoyed having them back as much as I enjoyed not seeing all the hateful garbage in my stream so much.
So I will probably not be indulging in too many religious discussions for now. If anyone does have evidence, scientific proof that there really is no God, feel free to send me a note. Otherwise, just for the record...
If there is a God and if there is an afterlife and if it matters weather you believe in him or not - then, and only then - I do wish you were so inclined. Otherwise I still count you as friends and wish the best for you. No seriously, I want you to win the lottery with a "found" ticket and/or write "The Great American Novel" and/or whatever it is you most desire in this life.
Oh, and I found an interesting discussion in the thread below. It takes a few minutes to follow but considering WHERE I found it, I thought it was enlightening...
I called a truce and simply moved some people from my main stream into my "circular file" stream. I figured that I'd move most of them back into circulation after the holidays. I thought things might calm down after a while and frankly, I miss seeing a lot of them.
So I started to bring them back over the weekend. It might have been too soon though. I have not enjoyed having them back as much as I enjoyed not seeing all the hateful garbage in my stream so much.
So I will probably not be indulging in too many religious discussions for now. If anyone does have evidence, scientific proof that there really is no God, feel free to send me a note. Otherwise, just for the record...
If there is a God and if there is an afterlife and if it matters weather you believe in him or not - then, and only then - I do wish you were so inclined. Otherwise I still count you as friends and wish the best for you. No seriously, I want you to win the lottery with a "found" ticket and/or write "The Great American Novel" and/or whatever it is you most desire in this life.
Oh, and I found an interesting discussion in the thread below. It takes a few minutes to follow but considering WHERE I found it, I thought it was enlightening...
One of my favorite songs of all time.
One of my favorite songs of all time.
Reposted because I have seen your threads. I know that you know some pretty peculiar peeps... Hmmm?
Reposted because I have seen your threads. I know that you know some pretty peculiar peeps... Hmmm?
Originally shared by ted kelly
So - who is your most peculiar person ? IRLor Online...
Originally shared by ted kelly
So - who is your most peculiar person ? IRL
So - who is your most peculiar person ? IRL or Online...
So - who is your most peculiar person ? IRL or Online...
Want to hear something different - but "good different" ?
Want to hear something different - but "good different" ?
Originally shared by Deepak Garg
Originally shared by Deepak Garg
Monday, January 9, 2012
You're doing it wrong.

You're doing it wrong.
Originally shared by Marcelo Almeida
difference - By great artist Romano Carrattieri =
#minimalism #art
He loves you too. Don't worry, you don't have to believe it. He'll love you anyway...

He loves you too. Don't worry, you don't have to believe it. He'll love you anyway...

HAPPY BALLOON ASCENSION DAY -apologies to whoever I "borrowed" this picture from - it was way cooler than anything I could find for word nerd day :-)
Sunday, January 8, 2012
I went into a Long John Silvers for lunch a while back and the people in front of me were being waited on by a tall thin African-American guy. I decided NOT to mention his resemblance to Dave Chappelle. He looked so much like him that I was sure he must be tired of hearing about it.
I went into a Long John Silvers for lunch a while back and the people in front of me were being waited on by a tall thin African-American guy. I decided NOT to mention his resemblance to Dave Chappelle. He looked so much like him that I was sure he must be tired of hearing about it.
He spoke to them about their order and I was really surprised. Damned if he didn't sound just like him too. I didn't realize that I had said that out loud until it was my turn in line.
He looked down at me and said, "Whatchoo sayin' crackah, we all sound alike to you ?" When we both stopped laughing I really enjoyed my lunch.
He spoke to them about their order and I was really surprised. Damned if he didn't sound just like him too. I didn't realize that I had said that out loud until it was my turn in line.
He looked down at me and said, "Whatchoo sayin' crackah, we all sound alike to you ?" When we both stopped laughing I really enjoyed my lunch.
hey - did you see this ?

hey - did you see this ?
Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki
(Mon04) Yanko Design picks the "best of" for 2011.
More on
I love this show. Give it a listen.
I love this show. Give it a listen.
Once we join together and proclaim all earth’s resources as the common heritage of all people, we will begin to know what it means to be civilized. Until that time we will be continuously fighting for a piece of the pie.
Once we join together and proclaim all earth’s resources as the common heritage of all people, we will begin to know what it means to be civilized. Until that time we will be continuously fighting for a piece of the pie.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Thanks @Filip Oščádal for pointing out this site.
Thanks @Filip Oščádal for pointing out this site.
I am a cat forced to choose between napping and sleeping every day. I am the 99 percent. Occupy the Couch.
(why do you think it's called "fur"niture
And if this world starts getting you down
And if this world starts getting you down
There's room enough for two...
There's room enough for two...
Some time ago I found myself nearing the end of a "relationship". It was so great but we couldn't quite get it to work. I found this website and while the relationship ended, I still go back here sometimes. A little shot of positive, healing and joyful influence is good for me...
Some time ago I found myself nearing the end of a "relationship". It was so great but we couldn't quite get it to work. I found this website and while the relationship ended, I still go back here sometimes. A little shot of positive, healing and joyful influence is good for me...
Fill the empty spaces in your heart. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Comfort yourself. Be what you are seeking to find. Be whole on your own, and then share that wholeness with your partner.
Fill the empty spaces in your heart. Love yourself. Accept yourself. Comfort yourself. Be what you are seeking to find. Be whole on your own, and then share that wholeness with your partner.
Friday, January 6, 2012
According to a CNN poll, there are 796,000 software developers in the United States.
According to a CNN poll, there are 796,000 software developers in the United States.
I've noticed this about much younger Britts too...
I've noticed this about much younger Britts too...
Gladesmen should not be confused with G+ladies....
Gladesmen should not be confused with G+ladies....
I just missed this by a couple of days. Last weekend I drove right by there on the way to the Occupy site....
I just missed this by a couple of days. Last weekend I drove right by there on the way to the Occupy site....
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Thanks to Stan Kain for digging this nup
Thanks to Stan Kain for digging this nup
Originally shared by L. Charles Burch
Originally shared by L. Charles Burch
Whoever take the oath next January (if there is a next January) will have a tough job. Between now and then, we have a tough job. Let's try to get it done right!
Whoever take the oath next January (if there is a next January) will have a tough job. Between now and then, we have a tough job. Let's try to get it done right!
Based on statistics culled from the American Journal of Political Science and Common Space Score calculations from 1937 to 2002, Ron Paul has the most conservative record out of the entire roster of more than 3,000 Congress members from both chambers during that considerably long span of time.
Based on statistics culled from the American Journal of Political Science and Common Space Score calculations from 1937 to 2002, Ron Paul has the most conservative record out of the entire roster of more than 3,000 Congress members from both chambers during that considerably long span of time.
Via Bobbi Jo Woods - spread the word
Via Bobbi Jo Woods - spread the word
Originally shared by Sascha Pallenberg
Help needed. We are about to lose our Youtube Channel
I hope that someone of my followers can help me because due to 3 copyright strikes in the last 2 months, we are about to
lose our Youtube channel on the 12th of January. A channel with 22k subscribers, over 2000 videos and more than 50 million views.
What happened?
Since the first week of November Samsung, Nokia and (today)Microsoft filed copyright claims against us. This is happening when users are uploading content that infringes the copyrights of another company or account.
Like each and every professional media outlet we are attending press events and shows all over the world and we constantly get cd's or USB memory sticks with media files to publish on our sites. Pictures and videos.
Like each and every other media outlet, we do publish them and that's what we did with the Samsung, Nokia and Microsoft material.
All three companies are actually supporting us for years. Samsung is even flying one of our german bloggers to CES and we've been publishing over 300 videos of Samsung products on our Youtube channel.
Samsung claimed it's copyright on 4 different ads for Samsung products we've been uploading to our channel.
The same thing happened with Nokia. They claimed the copyright for an official ad of the Nokia Lumia 800, a product they just sent me to review!
Microsoft claimed their copyright on a concept video we've got ages ago. In the past i've been attending Microsoft events on 3 different continents and of course they've invited me for dinner at CES next week!
All these videos are available on many different Youtube channels and like pressreleases, press pictures and each and every information we are getting from the industry, they were made to be spreaded out through media-channels and outlets like ours.
Today, we've received the 3rd copyright strike agains our channels and even though i tried to get in contact with the admins of the Samsung Mobile, Nokia and Microsoft channel to sort this out, they never got back to me.
About an hour ago, i wanted to upload my review of the Nokia Lumia 800 (isn't it ironic?)and got this message:
*We have received three notifications alleging copyright infringement in one of your postings. Consequently, your account is subject to termination. Your ability to post new videos has been suspended.
Your access to your account will be completely disabled unless we receive from you a valid counter-notification disputing at least one of the claims by Jan 12, 2012.*
I can't upload anymore videos, we can't create video content at CES and we are about to lose all our work of the last 4 years in about 7 days!
If you know anyone in charge at Samsung, Nokia and Microsoft, who i can talk to and explain what we are doing and that it was never our intention
to infringe any copyright, please email me at
Thank you for all your support
P.S. Please reshare this post, so that we have a bigger chance to reach out to the right contacts!
Originally shared by Sascha Pallenberg
Help needed. We are about to lose our Youtube Channel
I hope that someone of my followers can help me because due to 3 copyright strikes in the last 2 months, we are about to
lose our Youtube channel on the 12th of January. A channel with 22k subscribers, over 2000 videos and more than 50 million views.
What happened?
Since the first week of November Samsung, Nokia and (today)Microsoft filed copyright claims against us. This is happening when users are uploading content that infringes the copyrights of another company or account.
Like each and every professional media outlet we are attending press events and shows all over the world and we constantly get cd's or USB memory sticks with media files to publish on our sites. Pictures and videos.
Like each and every other media outlet, we do publish them and that's what we did with the Samsung, Nokia and Microsoft material.
All three companies are actually supporting us for years. Samsung is even flying one of our german bloggers to CES and we've been publishing over 300 videos of Samsung products on our Youtube channel.
Samsung claimed it's copyright on 4 different ads for Samsung products we've been uploading to our channel.
The same thing happened with Nokia. They claimed the copyright for an official ad of the Nokia Lumia 800, a product they just sent me to review!
Microsoft claimed their copyright on a concept video we've got ages ago. In the past i've been attending Microsoft events on 3 different continents and of course they've invited me for dinner at CES next week!
All these videos are available on many different Youtube channels and like pressreleases, press pictures and each and every information we are getting from the industry, they were made to be spreaded out through media-channels and outlets like ours.
Today, we've received the 3rd copyright strike agains our channels and even though i tried to get in contact with the admins of the Samsung Mobile, Nokia and Microsoft channel to sort this out, they never got back to me.
About an hour ago, i wanted to upload my review of the Nokia Lumia 800 (isn't it ironic?)and got this message:
*We have received three notifications alleging copyright infringement in one of your postings. Consequently, your account is subject to termination. Your ability to post new videos has been suspended.
Your access to your account will be completely disabled unless we receive from you a valid counter-notification disputing at least one of the claims by Jan 12, 2012.*
I can't upload anymore videos, we can't create video content at CES and we are about to lose all our work of the last 4 years in about 7 days!
If you know anyone in charge at Samsung, Nokia and Microsoft, who i can talk to and explain what we are doing and that it was never our intention
to infringe any copyright, please email me at
Thank you for all your support
P.S. Please reshare this post, so that we have a bigger chance to reach out to the right contacts!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
A rare photo of the worst of the worst of the trolls. See what they do when they are off-line.
A rare photo of the worst of the worst of the trolls. See what they do when they are off-line.
Monday, January 2, 2012
It may be the end of the world - but at least you'll go out with a smile...
It may be the end of the world - but at least you'll go out with a smile...
Originally shared by Howard Eldridge
Mayan Swimsuit Calendar - from somewhere on the web, author unknown.

Originally shared by Howard Eldridge
Mayan Swimsuit Calendar - from somewhere on the web, author unknown.

Welcome aboard Planet Pootwaddle ... an oasis of ear candy
Welcome aboard Planet Pootwaddle ... an oasis of ear candy,
where we celebrate music simply for the love of music ...
Without commercials or other cheesy distractions.
We provide our own cheesy distractions thank you!
If it ain't fun, what's the point?
I love this station
where we celebrate music simply for the love of music ...
Without commercials or other cheesy distractions.
We provide our own cheesy distractions thank you!
If it ain't fun, what's the point?
I love this station
Thank you Linda - the above link is her original post
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
On Fox News Sunday Ron Paul upped the ante on his opposition to sexual harassment laws by claiming that there should be no federal laws against sexual harassment.
Thank you Linda - the above link is her original post
Originally shared by Linda Lawrey
On Fox News Sunday Ron Paul upped the ante on his opposition to sexual harassment laws by claiming that there should be no federal laws against sexual harassment.
How spent my winter vacation -

How spent my winter vacation -
I went to Atlanta. Celebrated New Years with my sweetheart. We visited Occupy Atlanta and I learned how difficult driving in Atlanta is. Especially on a Sunday during football season. We ate at the Varsity- and it was good. What'll ya have, what'll have ! We went to see Passages. It was great.
"Experience the Bible like never before." Passages brings the pages of the Bible to life. This worldwide traveling exhibit allows people of all interests to experience the dramatic and insightful inner workings of the book that has altered history, shaped cultures, inspired minds and changed lives.
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