Tuesday, January 10, 2012

As Christmas came near I found myself distracted and irritated by the frequency and intensity of the anti-religious posts I was seeing. I decided to live and let live and refrain from replying. I figured that the non-stop Christmas stuff was disturbing to some of the more militant Atheists in my stream.

As Christmas came near I found myself distracted and irritated by the frequency and intensity of the anti-religious posts I was seeing. I decided to live and let live and refrain from replying. I figured that the non-stop Christmas stuff was disturbing to some of the more militant Atheists in my stream.
I called a truce and simply moved some people from my main stream into my "circular file" stream. I figured that I'd move most of them back into circulation after the holidays. I thought things might calm down after a while and frankly, I miss seeing a lot of them.
So I started to bring them back over the weekend. It might have been too soon though. I have not enjoyed having them back as much as I enjoyed not seeing all the hateful garbage in my stream so much.
So I will probably not be indulging in too many religious discussions for now. If anyone does have evidence, scientific proof that there really is no God, feel free to send me a note. Otherwise, just for the record...
If there is a God and if there is an afterlife and if it matters weather you believe in him or not - then, and only then - I do wish you were so inclined. Otherwise I still count you as friends and wish the best for you. No seriously, I want you to win the lottery with a "found" ticket and/or write "The Great American Novel" and/or whatever it is you most desire in this life.

Oh, and I found an interesting discussion in the thread below. It takes a few minutes to follow but considering WHERE I found it, I thought it was enlightening...

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