Sunday, August 7, 2016

Test Your Book Smarts - The New York Times

Test Your Book Smarts - The New York Times
I'm sad to say that I only got 42% right :+(

Hey ! Wait !
I got 21 right so my percentage is 42 ?
42 - it's a perfectly good number, right ?


  1. Most of those I haven't heard of. There were a couple I knew because I have read them, there was one I've read but didn't remember the author. Lol. You did better than me.

  2. I used to read a lot so I wish I'd done better, You were probably one of the cool kids and had friends instead of books I would bet ?

  3. ted kelly I had zero friends and read all the time, just different books. One was the Gulag Archipelago.

  4. Well - I guess if you count the chess club, I had friends... #waylesscoolthanyou
