Sunday, August 14, 2016

I liked Rachel Ferris picture so much that I had to try my hand at it. Of course since I'm left-handed I had to do it backwards. Instead of cell phone picture of my computer, I took a webcam shot of my phone.

I liked Rachel Ferris picture so much that I had to try my hand at it. Of course since I'm left-handed I had to do it backwards. Instead of cell phone picture of my computer, I took a webcam shot of my phone.

So first I had to find the camera. Thanks kitties, I needed the exercise anyway. Then I had to try to remember how to turn it on. I finally gave up and pretended to take a new fb profile picture and screen grabbed it with Screenpresso. Then I threw just about everything that Pixlr had to throw at it. There's some engraving, embossing and half toning as well as some posterizing and water swirling on a couple of layers and a mirror (horizontal) flip at the end.
And FTR - I love the new phone, but the camera is yucky. It's a Galaxy Core Prime and it really was thirty bucks from Straight Talk. If anybody knows a good camera app, holler back y'all.