Saturday, August 27, 2016


I just wrote a goofy comment on your leaves photo. I hope that's okay ?
You know how weird I get sometimes/


  1. LOL I just replied. I thought they were gloves.

  2. I can only imagine what some of the other peeps think about threads like that.
    It's almost enough to get me back into the WPC amusement park.
    So what's up with your eyes ?
    (if I may be so bold)

  3. Nothing really wrong apart from general wear and tear. We're entitled to a free eye test every two years and I've been getting a lot of floaters and flashes. But nothing to worry about. They put the drops in to expand your pupils  so that they can look inside better. So coming out in bright daylight after was a bit weird for a while and I couldn't put my contact lenses back in for an hour or two after.

    Just need to get my prescription altered a bit.

  4. BTW & FTR ~ this is me before I get stoned or snockered :+)
