Friday, January 8, 2016

I took a bunch of pictures for this week. Matches and fireplaces and even a shotgun as it was fired. Something about this idea just got me "fired up" though.

I took a bunch of pictures for this week. Matches and fireplaces and even a shotgun as it was fired. Something about this idea just got me "fired up" though.
WPP2016 - Week 02 - Fire

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron S , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



  1. Love it - I'm still searching for my shot.

  2. Best of luck Mary. If nothing else comes to you - do you know any jugglers or baton twirlers ? (lol)

  3. Like it and the simple muted colour scheme really works :)
