Wednesday, January 27, 2016

dirty mirror

dirty mirror
WPP2016 - Week 05 - Mirrors

+Ken Fowkes, Alen Ianni , Tim Kennedy , Robyn King , Rob Masters , Bernhard Rembold , Byron S , Francesco Scaglioni , Alicia Smith , Grandma Snyder , Navin Upendran and Mary Wardell



  1. Nice one! Time to get the blower out...

  2. Thanks Byron and yes indeed Rob. I'm glad I thought of this shot because I'm planning to shoot some film soon and I didn't know just how yucky it was in there.

  3. Now that's a great take on the theme. And just the thing to shoot in monochrome.

  4. Thanks Alicia and Mary. Once the idea hit me I was infatuated with it. It gave me butterflies.
