Friday, March 27, 2015

#powerlinefriday is one of my favorite themes. It's a fun one - so I thought I'd have a little fun with this shot. Thanks to Natosha Davis and don't forget to add Powerline Friday to you circles.

#powerlinefriday  is one of my favorite themes. It's a fun one - so I thought I'd have a little fun with this shot. Thanks to Natosha Davis and don't forget to add Powerline Friday to you circles.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Natosha. 
    The scene grabbed me like a tractor beam in an old si-fi movie. I couldn't go on without snapping a few.
    They were pretty on their own but they just didn't buzz and hum like they did in my head. Hence, a little tweaking and voila - Dr Frankenstein has "vitalized" this one...
