Saturday, March 14, 2015

Originally shared by Chrysta Rae

Originally shared by Chrysta Rae


YOU ARE the 15TH Round Scavengers!!

This round should be a little more epic than usual since it's the first POST Vegas. So Scavenger Hunt 15, 115 SV (survived Vegas)

As always, I have to remind you, this hunt takes an extreme amount of time and energy from me, and I always promise that you will get my 110%...
and in return... I expect it back.

Hear that?
Yeah, I said "*expect*". (nods)

You are on fire right now - so excited to get started.
So my advice?


Don't think, "oooh I have time to get it done, I'll sit and think about it for a few days".
The longer you wait, the more it feels like something you have to do, instead of something you want to do.

Get out and shoot something right away.
Anything on the list.
You don't have to keep that picture if you come up with a better idea - but at least you have something to get you started!!

One TRUE fact about the hunt:
you will NEVER regret entering a picture,
even if you're not 100% proud of it...

BUT you will ALWAYS regret NOT entering something.

When reveals start, and you have waited so long for this day,
and I start with an album that you haven't submitted a photo for... major bummer - and it's no one's fault but your own. (grin)

That being said -
there is NO rule for having to submit all 10 photos.
I want that to be clear.

I realize once you get into the hunt, it feels like work and pressure -
and I don't want any of you feeling like that.

Take it one picture at a time, and hopefully you get all your 10 in.
(your chances of winning drop significantly if you don't get all 10 tho... just sayin)
You can still fully participate with just 1 photo entered.
I want to say that again for dramatic effect -

Think about me - I'm a single Mom, I have a full time job, I have 2 sons in high-level hockey, I have to make every meal, I need to spend time volunteering at the kid's school, I have to fix my own dishwasher when it breaks, I have 7 PETS...

and I MAKE THE TIME to do all this... FOR YOU!!!
(I do it with complete love, btw)

I'm just saying... it's 10 photos.
Or 1 photo.
Every single one of you who signed up,
can give me AT LEAST 1 photo.
Right? (nodding, blinky eyes)

I EXPECT you to participate.
500 people signed up.
Lots of people did not.
You are taking up someone's spot
who WANTED to play if you do not participate.

IF you have signed up just because you saw it was on "what's hot" and you have no real interest in playing,
PLEASE PLEASE just tell me.
There are never any hard feelings, and I appreciate you letting me know so I can remove you from my list before I start making rounds checking up on people.
Please open up your spot to someone who is really wanting to play if you cannot.

Another part of participation is not just entering pictures -
it's participating!!
Let's face it - you are on a social network.
To engage with people!
And omgoodness, our community gives you a place to meet and engage with people who like the same things you do!!
nods, big eyes

Over the last 12 hunts, we have built a family. 
EVERYONE helps, EVERYONE supports and encourages.
The hunt is not run by just me - nope - it's all of you working together.

Join the community I will create for us.
Or post directly TO the scavengers,
ask questions TO the scavengers.
You will not be let down.
AND you will create life-long bonds in this group, that is a guarantee. You just need to jump in.  

This is a safe place. I have a zero tolerance policy.
If at any point you act in an inappropriate "un-scavenger-worthy" manner, you will be removed instantly.
We live by the "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and "do onto others as you want done to you" standards.
Zip it, UNLESS invited for opinions.  

We all started at one time. We all want to see your growth!

That said, I now have to also talk about #huntsmack . This is a harmless bantering that began between the hunters a few rounds ago. It's fun and always completely harmless. If you get a great photo you are proud of - brag it up  in huntsmack, you will love the responses you get!

OH and one more thing for you blue heads - yes, you with no profile picture - get a profile picture!!! Blue heads are creepers!! 


Next post… Rules and Regulations…
but you know what I need you to do first!!

1 comment:

  1. i found her via the link. who is she that she has a million followers? that is now my goal. lol.
