Sunday, March 22, 2015

A #signsunday test of

A #signsunday  test of 
 Sign Sunday Lori Carey Janice Hackney Jetski Jones


  1. Frances Schermers I used a browser based tool and it seemed to take forever but then I did it again in Pixlr and it took about the same time to do it manually. Heck, GIMP takes that long to load up by itself, right ? Before you even start the resize process.

  2. Oh, goodness, ted kelly, you must be a very patient man! I tried GIMP beofre I gave in and subscribed to Adobe CC, and just didn't have the patience to learn it. 
    Laughing at your sign, by the way. All they need is a public shower and it's a complete package. :D

  3. While I love spending money on some things (think sex. drugs and rock and roll) there are times when I can be quite frugal on cheap son of a gun... lol
    I do have to admit though that for most things, the Pixlr editor is just fine. I'm trying to learn lightzone too and that's another roller coaster of learning curve.
