Saturday, February 3, 2018


Sickness ? Bwahaha...

My best, of several theories is that you perceive things as dynamic rather than static. So you want to share that view to expand others access into the fourth dimension too. (You're an alien)
Second best: It's hard to do and you feel the need to be better at it. We all know that sometimes it's a necessary element in an image and it just sucks to need the skill but not possess it. (blur beat you up one day and now you're kicking it's blurry little butt)
It's exciting and when it clicks and especially when it clicks for the viewer it's a trigger for the endorphins and stuff in your brain. (you're an addict)

I started this with the aim to make some amusing (hopefully) remarks and say howdy. This picture demanded and deserved better though. I really am impressed with this one. I'm not trying to take anything away from a lot of your other ones but you knocked this one out of the park.

So anywho... How ya' doing - I'm fine - etc...
Love Ted


  1. LOL. I wasn't being that serious. Yes to the showing things how I see them. But it is a compulsion I think. And it's very easy. Or I find it so.

    I do appreciate though that not everyone gets it.

    I'm fine. Glad winter is nearly over. It got me down more than usual this year.

  2. How about signing up for the hunt now Lauri's running it. It's a lot better these days. Starts in about an hour.

  3. I hadn't planned on it. I dropped out of the last one. Maybe tho...
    The judging left me scratching my head a heck of a lot. Not all of it of course but probably 20-30 percent was - umm... let's just say, remarkable ???
    I guess I still think of it as a competition and that it should make sense. I'll think about it though.

  4. I know. I don't much like the judging. Though someone gave me a first place this round. First time ever.

    Likes on reveals are weird. Really awful photos getting lots of likes.

    So it doesn't really work as a competition.

    Still "you know who" isnt there anymore. Not doing anything but acting like a victim. So that's a thing

  5. Congrats ! I went ahead and jumped in. Maybe I'll just try to take awful ones this time. (as if I'd have to try ~ lol)

  6. Holy Gee Willickers !!! They dropped her name even ??? Poor Bixie ~ She's like a Canadian version of a Confederate statue ?

  7. Lol. I don't think anyone has tied ropes on her and tried to tow her away.

    But I'm enjoying the imagery.
