Monday, May 22, 2017

You must always use caution when choosing what to shoot on #circleshapesmonday.

You must always use caution when choosing what to shoot on #circleshapesmonday.
I know a lot of the peeps who folllow Circle Shapes Monday prefer to shoot Canon. But as an old soldier, I say, give me a howitzer any day...


  1. I think so Alex. It was way chunkier that the 105's I've seen.
    Max Madrasi - what say you ? Is this a 155 ?

  2. ted kelly The gun dia looks much bigger than 155 mm (6"). I would guess 8" gun.

  3. Hmm.. I'll have to go back and find out now that you guys have made me curious.

  4. ted kelly I will be curious to find out !

  5. Or - there's always google - lol
    DING~DING~DING We have a winner !
    It's a 203mm M115 Howitzer
    Yes Max - it's an 8 incher.
    (not too shabby for a navy guy )

  6. ted kelly Are you sure it is M115? Had a look at wiki page. The M115 has 2 'stepped' barrel which increases towards the breach.

    Your tank also has a stepped barrel of sort but it seems to be more like 2 'sleeves' slipped upon the barrel (just before and after the 1st pinkish mark from the breach). And I cannot spot the 'reduced' steps.

  7. I am now. The Wikipix doesn't do it justice. try this page Max. - m115 howitzer - Google Search

    TBH the picture I took is of an M-110 which has the M-115 mounted on it.

  8. yup for sure M110 wiki page shows exactly the same pix as yours. :-)

  9. ted kelly I get it...😀
