Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Howdy, Hi there, friends and neighbors. The not right Reverend Theo here with yet another installment of ROFaD. I've been thinking a lot about marriage in general rather than just my own lately. I find that it helps keep me from thinking about too much about current affairs and topical issues. I need to take a break now and then (as we all should) and this is about as far from politics and relationships as you can get. Lets go for a ride.

Howdy, Hi there, friends and neighbors. The not right Reverend Theo here with yet another installment of ROFaD. I've been thinking a lot about marriage in general rather than just my own lately. I find that it helps keep me from thinking about too much about current affairs and topical issues. I need to take a break now and then (as we all should) and this is about as far from politics and relationships as you can get. Lets go for a ride.
PS - I'm still working on trying to get a good video. Version 3.0 of the phone cradle is on the workbench right now. Leave me a comment with suggestions and or if you want me to make one for you ???