Brother Theo says- it makes a darn nice zen garden though.
Princess Lizzie says - Daddysan needs a good shrink.
My artistic choices are limited since my laptop runs Vista and now my favorite editors quit working. So this is all done in GIMP with the Charcoal filter coming from G'MIC.
First, scoop up all the hidden treasure. Then add a nice fresh layer and shake it/smooth and rake it. Only then realize that all the fancy lines and stuff aren't showing up in the picture. Fix that with a lasso tool from GIMP and a gradient that's
I added the text and fiddled with the perspective, trying for a cinematic effect and then brought the colors back with a copy of the original with the layer mode set to color. Finally, I boosted them a little and brought the contrast up a bit for a "graphic illustration" look.
Comments including critiques and marginally related topics are required. Thanks in advance. (examples below)
"I would have done it different", or "Life is like a big box of cat turds" or "that looks like tree rings, do you like ice cream" ?
