Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Donald doesn't scare me, but his supporters sure do. I'd be interested to hear from any of them as to why I could be wrong.

The Donald doesn't scare me, but his supporters sure do. I'd be interested to hear from any of them as to why I could be wrong.


  1. he is a front. he looks like a soft cloud once Cruz is in to be nominated. right now we have Hillary which numbers are being tweeked .. and Bernie. Bernie is ahead , of hillary according to some polls.
    If I was to have a long shot guess... Bernie and Cruz will be running

  2. You don't think Trump will run as a spoiler ?

  3. only if there if there is no chance for cruz to win. Trump will need to be forced fed everyday on how to respond to every policy without sounding like he is in the 8th grade debate. 8th graders pick fights. They have to keep another dem whitehouse from happening ,all the while not looking very good to the world in our decision to vote a loud businessman in. this is a huge issue. Cruz is a far right tight. Not a good person , of course Trump can be "nice: if fed 20 yearolds.. [ boo bad thing to say ]

  4. we should not be afraid of Trump . We should now be more worried about the enimies he has brought on by his own stupidity

  5. Maybe Jeb will punch him out tonight ?

  6. The founders designed the presidency as a honey trap for those who would be king, worry not, a Trump presidency might not be the worst thing, who knows what he might have gotten up to had he not the distraction of fake power ;)

    The sacred geometry of the white house and capital will drain his Steve Jobs powers.

    They never seem to get it tho, being president is too tempting.

  7. In the words of my favorite "write in" candidate, "What - me worry ?"
    It is tempting but my mamma always opined that I'd rather be "right" than president.
    Thanks David Washington for that reply. It made for a nice breakfast treat.

  8. If Trump gets in ,a full war on our grounds will most likely get underway. There arefar worse things. Like America being taken over by another country because he was more worried regarding a fence . Under radar planes and germ war fare is enough to turn my stomach.

  9. Jeb Bush got talk time ? Could not tell between the Trump /Cruz hour.
