In the past few weeks I've uncircled quite a few peeps. Not just the spammers and such but good peeps. I always feel funny afterwards. Like I should have said good bye or something. I used to keep a circle with the volume turned off and visit every week or so but always seemed to bounce them back and finally just gave up and went straight to the circle tool.
Do you ever feel "sellers remorse" ? What does it take for you to dump someone ?
-oh and if you're reading this and I haven't interacted with you lately, it's probably just because I've been really busy. If you go look and see that I dumped you (and care) -
I'm sorry I thought you were a poopy head. PM me and maybe we could talk...
Just this morning I paid $10 for the uncircler tool and flushed hundreds and hundreds of people from my circles. (Mainly people that didn't reciprocate or that violated my personal Terms of Service - on my profile page). Now new followers are sent to a NEW list until I can evaluate them before moving to a more "permanent" circle. For me ted kelly - it felt great though I fear I might have kept some I shouldn't have or flushed some I should have kept.
ReplyDeleteI'll have to go read that TOS... Lucky for me I saw your birthday thing. Otherwise I might have gone for a swirly too. lol
ReplyDeleteToo funny...I unadd people who aren't on g+ interaction in a really long time...that kinda thing...
ReplyDeleteNegative Ghost Rider! No Swirly for you! I like reading your stuff ted kelly - keep up the great work. :)