Sunday, September 29, 2013

For this #sacredsunday I decided to revisit an oldy but goody post. It seems like everybody on both ends of the teeter-totter are a little tense. All the discussion communities are chock full of snarling, snarking, and unsportsmanlike behavior. The science guys and the religious ones, the right and the left, heck even the right and the "more right" are at each others throats...

For this #sacredsunday  I decided to revisit an oldy but goody post. It seems like everybody on both ends of the teeter-totter are a little tense. All the discussion communities are chock full of snarling, snarking, and unsportsmanlike behavior. The science guys and the religious ones, the right and the left, heck even the right and the "more right" are at each others throats...
The Not-Right Reverend Theo believes in "less mugging - more hugging". In other words, I think y'all need to get laid.


  1. All the comments I read were from thankful Christian ladies.  I can't imagine anyone having any problem with this.

  2. Indeed, James. My observations we about the ongoing conversations in some communities here and in faceboo groups. Well, those and in general society, congress and the media. (also I can't help injecting a touch of humor into all things)
