Saturday, February 23, 2013

Long ago and far away (75-79 Japan,Texas,Mass and SoCarolina) I was a ditty-bopper. We "intercepted" foreign (morse code) military communication and thought we were extremely hot shit. I might never have joined facebook and ended up here except for some (one cuteie pie) old army buddies. (she's still a hottie btw)

Long ago and far away (75-79 Japan,Texas,Mass and SoCarolina) I was a ditty-bopper. We "intercepted" foreign (morse code) military communication and thought we were extremely hot shit. I might never have joined facebook and ended up here except for some (one cuteie pie) old army buddies. (she's still a hottie btw)
Anyhow, this was our theme song. Unusual, kinda ? Worth sharing, you decide. (not so much)
#sharedstories   #wordsandmusic  
Like Eddie Wilson said, "Words and music, they need each other."


  1. Damn you Hadrian- you got me in the habit of checking out "other stuff" This is a whole different song and much newer. I like the older one better though.

  2. A shared story & words and music? Well played!
