Thursday, February 21, 2013

In the late summer of '92 I found myself suddenly and gratefully employed. Hurricane Andrew had provided me with an opportunity to drive a truck. I drove a lot. He had also knocked out most of the radio stations in the area and the radio in the truck only got one station for most of the day. I got hooked on NPR. After a few weeks they moved the Radio Reading Service back to the "special" radio section and since I wasn't a blind truck driver I didn't get to listen without a "special" radio. (sigh)

In the late summer of '92 I found myself suddenly and gratefully employed. Hurricane Andrew had provided me with an opportunity to drive a truck. I drove a lot. He had also knocked out most of the radio stations in the area and the radio in the truck only got one station for most of the day. I got hooked on NPR. After a few weeks they moved the Radio Reading Service back to the "special" radio section and since I wasn't a blind truck driver I didn't get to listen without a "special" radio. (sigh)
I've got streaming audio and can download books and poetry all I want to now. I am still grateful for the exposure and was glad to find this source on the web. Check it out and see if your local station needs volunteers. (they do) And please - support your local NPR station. 

#sharedstories   #spokenword   #publicservice

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