Wednesday, September 12, 2012

h/t to Edward Morbius

h/t to Edward Morbius 

Originally shared by Justin Bale

 Today was pro-USA demonstration in Benghazi condemning the attacks on the embassy.

Everyone needs to see this, please share this. I have a feeling it will be swept under the rug by the major news outlets.

We cannot lump all the people of the middle east in with terrorists and extremists. I have known several Muslims in my life, and I know many Christians who are infinitely more radical and prone to violence than they are.
There are over a billion Muslims. You cannot say one view point is shared by that many people, it simply isn't true.


1 comment:

  1. Funny you dont see much of this being posted... The last few days has widened my eyes on how much my fellow americans have to grow.
