Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bwahahahah - I read a post from a newspaper article about a scientific study this morning. It was all of about 300 words maybe. The majority of the comments were indignant arguments about why the headline was obviously wrong. Obviously, because nobody had ever experienced their wonderfully superior version of the subject matter.

Bwahahahah - I read a post from a newspaper article about a scientific study this morning. It was all of about 300 words maybe. The majority of the comments were indignant arguments about why the headline was obviously wrong. Obviously, because nobody had ever experienced their wonderfully superior version of the subject matter.
I eventually made a comment alluding to the brevity of the article and that I thought that the commentators might not have bothered to read it. Silly me! The next reply was from a guy who did read it. His opinion was that the scientists were ignorant and lazy. He then cast aspersions on the educational system of his country.
My apologies to all of the tl/dr's and that other guy too. I hope you enjoy your coffee and have a great day. (more likely tea in this case)


  1. Well.  My educational system has failed me too.  What is tl/dr?  Tiny Little Doctors?

  2. I get the too long, I'm pretty patient.  What's the dr?  ;)

  3. plus one does not come close to describing the sore cheeks I now have from laughing so hard. Thank you and Bravo!
