Monday, November 5, 2018

It's not quite there yet but...

It's not quite there yet but...

WPP2018 - Week 30 - Action/Motion

Françoise Dhulesia, Angela Migliore, Byron Sheldrick, Dave Hollis, Carmen Mandich, madhura ravishankar, Constantinos Catsoulis, Alicia Smith, Rob Masters, Francesco Scaglioni, Mary Wardell, Navin Upendran



  1. Beautifully achieved ted kelly!! Such a cool idea!! :))

  2. Very well done!! I love the focus on the subject ted kelly ! Fabulous

  3. Thanks guys. While it didn't quite work out as planned, I thoroughly enjoyed the process.
    Selecting the speed and arranging for the model/actor.
    Waiting for the right lighting conditions.
    And the best part - shooting mode !
    Who doesn't love the opportunity to hit the shutter release and hold it and hearing that Snick, Snick, Snick, Snick, Snick ?

  4. It is one of my favourite sounds ted kelly

  5. A wonderful shot! Great idea for the theme:)

  6. ted kelly sounds like it was fun! Love that shooting mode!
