Saturday, January 20, 2018

WPP2018 - Week 03 - Smooth/Rough

WPP2018 - Week 03 - Smooth/Rough

Françoise Dhulesia, Angela Migliore, Byron Sheldrick, Dave Hollis, Carmen Mandich, madhura ravishankar, Constantinos Catsoulis, Alicia Smith, Rob Masters, Francesco Scaglioni, Mary Wardell, Navin Upendran


  1. good to see you back in the challenges ted kelly

  2. Great PoV ted kelly. Hope it was not an active rail line.

  3. Jenn Camforth TY Jenn. It's good to be back. Woo~hoo, I'm a born~again, evangelical, fundamentalist photographer !

  4. Navin Upendran TY,VM. Oh yes, a very active line. I left my tripod at home though. lol

  5. ted kelly thought it was against the law (especially after reading about some accidents that happened a couple of years ago)?

  6. Thanks everyone. Not a fun one but a good challenge. Three different trips trying different light and cameras were needed. I felt like an artist the whole time so it was definitely worth every minute of it.

  7. Navin Upendran I was indeed trespassing. Also this location is located in what would be considered a "bad" part of town. My truck (2 times) and motorcycle (the last time) were parked illegally too.
    On the other hand ~ the police here are very kind, the location requires trains to sound horns for a long time before reaching this spot and I know a good bail bondsman.

  8. A great shot, and awesome composition.

  9. Super POV and focus ted kelly!! Well done!! :))

  10. Thanks Carmen. I'd have to say I'm at least quicker if not better at changing settings after this one. In "area" mode it kept going hyperfocal on me. I must have checked on this little chart I have on my phone a half dozen times. Thank goodness I took both lenses with me this time. (lol)

  11. Love the shot, ted kelly and I'm delighted to know you are connected to a good bail bondsman for this sort of trip! :D

  12. What a great way to interpret the theme - works well
