Monday, March 31, 2014

May I be the first to complain about the "views" thingie ?

May I be the first to complain about the "views" thingie ?
It's by far THE WORST THING EVER !!! 
Seriously, my nearly 400k seems pathetic compared to some of my favorite circle peeps. 3mil, 40 mil, 270 million...
Thanks Google - now I feel like a big old loser :-(


  1. ted kelly it is only a number. I don't care about it. I care more about the people that I have in my circles. So don't worry we love you anyway :-)))

  2. Right back at ya :-)
    The (jk) thing means "just kidding" BTW
    I'm just poking fun because everybody always complains about every new thing on the plus - it's a "family tradition" lol
