Tuesday, February 4, 2014

We all know that nobody is going to change their mind as a result of the debate tonight. My position is irrelevant and like it or not, so is yours. The real question, for me, is weather or not it's possible for anyone on either side of this issue will listen openly and fairly to either of the gentlemen in the debate. They're both taking it seriously, can we ?

We all know that nobody is going to change their mind as a result of the debate tonight. My position is irrelevant and like it or not, so is yours. The real question, for me, is weather or not it's possible for anyone on either side of this issue will listen openly and fairly to either of the gentlemen in the debate. They're both taking it seriously, can we ?


  1. No, because only one side is actually serious. Not all opinions are equal. It is only the concerted effort on the creationist side to get their religious beliefs introduced in science class that provokes the need for answering them still.

  2. if the other side actually presents even one thing I have not already heard and dismissed due to lack of evidence, I will certainly listen.   Seems unlikely, though.

  3. Well Tim, your first sentence was enough to show that your answer is no. I assure you that regardless of the obvious flaws in their position, Ham is really really serious.
    @ Micheal - it surely won't be any more lopsided that the stupid-bowl was ? -hmm... I'll take that back. Denver did manage to score twice. lol

  4. There's two different senses of serious here. Sure, Ham is serious about his ridiculous position, but that doesn't mean we should treat his position as anything other than ridiculous.

  5. Open minded for sure; especially this day and age where it's hard to believe in anything!

  6. So far I think it's been better than the bowl game was !

  7. Hahaha, I had a good time lmao at Denver's brutal slaughter...horse meat anyone???

  8. Tim Groth 2 levels of seriousness --> I like that creationism :-)

  9. Some people do not understand what science is and the definitions of words and terms; and most have a preconception of science and what it offers.

    Most individuals can see, feel, hear, taste, and smell something. Not all individuals perceptions are the same and our own perception can be misinterpreted.

    Its only through studies and many tests can we find what is accurate, which brings us to the closest truths.

    If Bill does his job correctly, he will show the audience what science is and what was accomplished through its study.

    I have watch a dozen of Ken Ham's lectures, and his approach is more of a salesman than instructor. There is no actual science or evidence base foundation to his claims, just many assumptions and assertions.

    If Ken Ham understood science, he would know that: you can not make claims without a support, you can not make assertions with out the evidence, and only through study and many test can you find what is the most accurate and the closest truths.
