Tuesday, May 1, 2018


There's a link to the copy codes in the wow community. It's under the "about section on the main page.
Every month I bookmark the copy codes and then when I post a picture I'll do a cut&paste for the appropriate week.
That was one very tasty picture you posted. You can probably edit the post to add the mods names via the copy codes rather than have to repost from scratch.

1 comment:

  1. I see you have all the names now so I guess you found it. If not then here's a screen shot showing where to look.
    Heck, maybe you had them before and my phone just wasn't displaying it properly.
    In any event, that's a great still life you made there.https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/xI3mwp2SJLG9DixFeMp7xV9u3AAqVjmSUSd2JfgOoPCqcT8BsC2P_rbginC4S0PkfwlUxnQyoYs
