Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Catching up ~ but no ketchup to be found here.

Catching up ~ but no ketchup to be found here.
WPP2018 - Week 16 - Leading Lines

Françoise Dhulesia, Angela Migliore, Byron Sheldrick, Dave Hollis, Carmen Mandich, madhura ravishankar, Constantinos Catsoulis, Alicia Smith, Rob Masters, Francesco Scaglioni, Mary Wardell, Navin Upendran



  1. Thanks Angela. Other than toning down the saturation, it's SOOC. It was a tough shot with a dinky little pocket size point and shoot. If only I'd had about ten less bacon wrapped shrimp, I'd have walked out to the truck for a real camera. I get a little carried away at the buffet places.

  2. Such a clever title and so well seen ted kelly!! :))

  3. ted kelly you got to eat your food and get a great shot!😄

  4. Great lines and your title made me smile! Definitely a win-win situation. :)
