Thursday, March 1, 2018

Note to other projectors:

Note to other projectors:
When life turns so ridiculously busy that I get this far behind, I get stingy with my comments. I'll go ahead and apologize here and just say that a plus from me in the next few weeks might be the highest praise I can afford. If I do make a short comment on your picture, rest assured that I am investing precious time when I don't have any time to spare. It means I'm really, (no, REALLY) impressed.
Hopefully, in about two weeks I'll be over the hump. I might be caught up and have more time to participate. Until then, thanks for sharing your vision and suchlike. Going through the community posts is usually the high point of my day, and the last thing I do before retiring for the night. I do btw, read and savor every comment on my posts as well as the posts that I comment on.

Thanks bunches, Ted


  1. PS - this was one of my many extras for circles.

  2. I love these water shots. Don't worry about being less active ted kelly ... other aspects of our life sometimes have to come first.

  3. I'm not so sure sometimes about that Byron Sheldrick. I made a decision today to tell the world, figuratively, to just stop bothering me. I grabbed the camera closest to me and and locked up the office and squeezed of a few.
    I was back to a better reality for a while than that really irritating other reality and when I was happy (enough) with my picture -
    I took my shoes off and rolled up my jeans and played with some children for half an hour. The world somehow managed without me and to a much greater extent I survived without the world too.
    Thanks wpp and company. I needed that !

  4. This community is yours and we will always be there for you. And what a gorgeous photo, Ted. Please give news when you wish. Take much care.

  5. So true ted kelly ...keeping things in perspective is really important

  6. Do what you need to do, ted kelly - Sounds like you had a good spell today and those are the things that can save you in a tough time. But we'll still be here when you can get more active.

  7. Nice capture!! not one but hundreds of circles!! I like it!!
    Ted just remember this that priority comes first, the important thing is that whatever you do it makes you and the ones around you happy!

  8. Joseph Debattista Thank you for commenting on the little circles. I think the hundreds of little things in life are so important. We ( at least i do) often overlook the many little things that we forget how grateful we could be.
