Saturday, March 31, 2018

Hi Lauri

Hi Lauri
I'd love to take you up on your kind offer. I just got home and would need a couple or three hours to get them together. All shots are in the can but none processed yet. So - yes or no - I'm good either way. Sorry again to be a bother.


  1. That's fine ted kelly It usually takes us a week to collect everything. So, up to you if you want to finish them go for it I say!! :)

  2. TY & I will. Funny thing - the newish me looked at the files and said - what the heck, I'm going to do them anyway.
    A year ago I'd have just quit and called myself bad names. Nowadays I feel empowered or entitled to go ahead and enjoy myself.
    I know you're busy so I'll keep this short. No need to reply, but thanks again for the series on Ryan.

  3. Thanks again. Not sure which program messed me up but the date/time info is wonky on 3 out of 4 of them. It shows the last edit time instead of the created time. Ah well, I got some cool and some tasty props anyway. xx-oo tk

  4. ted kelly No worries - with G+ the way it is images show the date as the upload date anyway I think :)
