Sunday, March 12, 2017

Sorry I haven't been around lately. Real life has been a bit messy, but settling down now (I hope)

Sorry I haven't been around lately. Real life has been a bit messy, but settling down now (I hope)
This popped up in FB memories today...
comments welcome
It's hard to believe this was only a year ago.
I was out playing with my new (to me) camera and took a dozen or so shots of this. I was loving the long lens and the bean bag that my soon to be ex-wife had made for me.
I had new eyes, a new camera and some new processing skills. It didn't take long to fiddle with some sliders and then I decided to get "artsy" with it. I was feeling pretty good about this and life in general when my phone rang.
It was "Officer Obie"* from the TTU police dept. Well, we had a nice chat about why I was taking all the pictures of the university facilities and it turned out that he too was a shutter bug. I was pretty impressed at how little time it took to get from my license tag to my cell phone number and he was pretty impressed with this picture I sent him.

* - (not his real name) just an obscure Arlo Guthrie reference...

1 comment:

  1. Nice photo, and I personally love the Arlo Guthrie reference and the movie it came from. Did you place your license plate at the bottom of a pile of garbage by chance? Could explain the short tracking time. LOL Thanks for the share. ted kelly
