Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Originally shared by Michael Young

Originally shared by Michael Young

The time has come for America to finally have a political party that stands for something beside being bought and paid for by one special interest group or another.In that spirit,Ladies and Gentlemen,I give you The American Nationalist Party.Note that this is version 1.0,I'm sure small changes will be made along the way.There will be more installments covering further platform subjects coming out later.

Tax policy: The ANP stands firmly against the current system of taxation.It is the goal of the ANP to establish a National Sales Tax to replace all state and federal income tax.Any item or service bought anywhere by a citizen of the U.S. would be subject to the NST.There will be no exemptions for any entity,corporate,private,or religious.A percentage of the NST would be allocated directly to the Federal Treasury.All offshore NST funds would be the purview of the Federal government.States would recieve payment from the Treasury Department for their percentage of the NST paid by them.Every American citizen has a duty and obligation to contribute to the prosperity,progress,and continued well being of the country and all of it's citizens.

Military Policy: As much as we would all like to have a global peace in our time,there are nations and groups that will not allow that to happen.This is also affected by the global resource shortages that will come in the future.America must be able to defend itself and it's allies from any enemy or group of enemies on the face of the Earth.Foremost is the need to streamline the military budget.This can be done by eliminating useless projects and contractor abuse.We can have a larger and more effective military than we do now and pay less than we do now.

Next installment: Foreign Policy and Energy Policy.

Foreign Policy: Over the past 60 years the U.S. has thrown billions of dollars in Foreign Aid at countries that have plainly wasted it.It should be clear to all that we simply cannot afford to do that anymore.This is not to say that Foreign Aid would be completely done away with,but what countries get that aid would be scrutinized far more closely,and those with a record of squandering the aid money would recieve no more.Disaster aid to our allies would not be affected by this.
On the subject of The War on Terror: We've seen the cost of pursuing this in a half-hearted manner,the ANP believes that any terrorist organization that is deemed enough of a threat to take military action against is worth devoting sufficient force to destroy it.Any nation that knowingly harbours terrorists,be it by material aid or by ignoring their presence would be subject to the most servere economic sanctions the U.S. can impose.In the case of blatant support and knowingly providing sanctuary,military action is not off the table.It should be the last resort,but it is a viable option of last resort.We will keep our allies and ourselves safe.This is not a compromisable issue.
We should be engaged in a process of creating alliances with all the freedom loving peoples of the world,and reinforcing the alliances we already have in place.

Energy Policy: America cannot afford to be in the stranglehold of the Middle East or any other country to provide it's energy needs.We have resources here in country that can be tapped,but those resources must be obtained by the most environmentally friendly means possible.But those resources must be obtained.If that means lowered profits for the oil companies then so be it.America used to be the world's leader in science and technology and needs to be so again.To that end we would also make the devlopment of renewable energy sources a priority.We can lead the world on this front,and should.This is also going to mean some major changes in American culture.We need to persue a massive infrastructure building program that includes having a true 21st century transcontinental passenger and freight rail system and modern public transportation systems in every city.We cannot afford to pass the buck on this and leave it for our children to do.

Next installment: Education Policy.

Education policy: Education is the very foundation of this country's ability to compete in the global economy.To that end,the NSP places education at the primary and secondary level as one of the highest priorities.Our talented teachers are under attack by forces known to all,and this must stop.Teachers should be payed in accordance with the importance they truly hold in our country.The No Child Left Behind Act must either be totally overhauled or abolished completely,while the sentiment is a good and just,the implementation has had disasterous consequences for the Education system.Cirriculum must be determined by educators,not politicians.We've recently seen schools turned into global jokes by political tampering for religious purposes.This is unacceptable.At the college level,full reforms are also necessary.A usable college education should be afforable to any American citizen who desires it.Our national survival demands that we educate a nation of intelligent young people capable of making us the world leader we once were.

Jobs Policy: The lack of jobs,stagnant wages,and under employment must be dealt with.The main source of the lack of jobs is Corporate America's trend to foreign outsourcing.A practice intended to benefit noone but Boards and Shareholders.The ANP advocates financial penalties on corporations that dispose of their American workers to gain larger profit margins for a class already holding the majority of America's wealth while making up an exceedingly small minority of it's population.The ANP also supports the concept of imposing a tarrif on all goods imported to America by American corporations.America once produced the goods the world wanted within it's own borders,and the ANP believes it can and should again.Through a strong program of research and development across a broad spectrum of technologies,jobs will be created.Every American deserves the oppourtunity to have gainful,safe employment.The ANP is dedicated to this proposition.America is only strong when it's people are.

Next installment: The Separation of Church and State.

The Separation of Church and State: The ANP believes strongly in freedom of and from religion,however,the ANP will never be a signatory to any religiously based legislation.The Founding Fathers created the Establishment Clause for a reason,they had the vision to see a America that would be a religiously diverse country.At the present we have a great many laws either on the books or in committee that are plainly legislating Conservative Christianity on all regardless of their religion or lack thereof.Two prime examples of this are anti-abortion and anti-same sex marriage laws that are either in place or about to be put to legislative vote.At the heart of these laws lies a church,or a combination of churches.This is unconstitutional and unacceptable as it is a less than covert circumvention of the Separation of Curch and State.The ANP is committed to the proposition that religion has absolutely no place in the governance of America.Religious freedom does not include the freedom to force the mores of one religion on the entire country.

Next installment: The War on Drugs.

The War on Drugs has been a multi-billion dollar failure.It has been used by the hyper-conservative element of society to persecute and silence those whose beliefs do not match theirs.The ANP proposes legalization of most drugs and the release of non-violent drug offenders.The ANP is committed to the belief that decriminalization of drugs will significantly decrease the power of drug cartels and decrease the level of narco-violence we see now.This does not however mean the ANP seeks an anarchistic drug addled society,in fact we seek a society of responsibility.Part of this would be no more plea bargins for crimes committed while under the influence of any drug.Between the taxation of said drugs and the release of non-violent prisoners,America can save hundreds of billions of dollars.

Next installment: Political ethics.

Political Ethics: The ANP is committed to the proposition that coporations have no place in American politics.To that end,no ANP candidate will be allowed to accept corporate donations or gifts of any sort.Money is not free speech.Money is a means to buy politicians.Lobbyists are another problem the ANP will seek to address,lobbyists are nothing more than a backdoor for corporations and other special interest groups to seek to subvert government for their own puposes.America has seen the results of corporate influence in government and it hasn't been good.The ANP proposes far stiffer penalties for political corruption,and to that end the ANP proposes that politicians be charged with Treason when found to be engaged in unethical political activities.Being an elected official is not a for profit job,it's a trust placed in the elected by the people.America deserves better than what it has recieved from it's elected officials for far too long.

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