Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Originally shared by J. Martin

Originally shared by J. Martin

The original script for Ridley Scott’s The Duellists. (Okay, not really.) Hilarious.
(via Mj Shadmehr, h/t Kelly Sullivan)

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

“The G train doesn’t exist anyway,” said Jesse Green, 32. “If you’ve ever spent any time waiting for the G, you know that.”

“The G train doesn’t exist anyway,” said Jesse Green, 32. “If you’ve ever spent any time waiting for the G, you know that.” - is a free space simulation software that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions, starting from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data, while regions uncharted by human astronomy are generated procedurally. Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, countless planets! - is a free space simulation software that lets you explore the universe in three dimensions, starting from planet Earth to the most distant galaxies. Areas of the known universe are represented using actual astronomical data, while regions uncharted by human astronomy are generated procedurally. Millions of galaxies, trillions of stars, countless planets!

David "Honeyboy" Edwards, considered to be the last of a generation of musicians who brought music from the rural Mississippi Delta to the rest of America, died at his home in Chicago early Monday morning. He was 96 years old.

David "Honeyboy" Edwards, considered to be the last of a generation of musicians who brought music from the rural Mississippi Delta to the rest of America, died at his home in Chicago early Monday morning. He was 96 years old.

The Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines.

The Invisible Web refers to the part of the WWW that’s not indexed by the search engines.

Originally shared by Natalie Villalobos

Originally shared by Natalie Villalobos


Wanted to recommend some folks that I find fascinating, and are continuously filling my stream with delicious posts. It would be a dream of mine to go on a road trip with all of them!

Leodor Selenier - Arts advocate (I want a piece of art from every featured artist)
Vanessa Schneider - Community Manager for Google Places (and is a Geo nerd)
Scott Beale - The Big Squid at
Eric LAFFORGUE - Transports me to worlds I wish I knew personally
Toby Stein - Guru for Google+, another Community Manager to kick it with
Alida Brandenburg - A best friend of mine with thought-provoking posts
Mark Frauenfelder - Editor-in-Chief of Make Magazine, Founder of
Limor "Ladyada" Fried - Open source hardware maker and femmebot (see Wired)
Muhammad Yunus - Nobel Peace Prize Winner and inspiring Google+ poster
Lynette Young - Leading the effort to get more women on Google+
Katherine Gramann - Community Manager for Hangouts - she's fab!
Jennifer Bailey - Fantasy illustrator - her work is featured on her profile
Sean Bonner and Jonathan Lally for music recommendations and cat vids
Kiki Sanford - The Dr. is in! The host of This Week in Science
byron rempel - The overlord of Zombie creationism
Elena Kalis - Underwater photog who makes me want to live in a pool
Melissa Daniels and Jacky Hayward - Your Google ladies of Chrome
Beth Kanter - She connects the dots and knows the non-profit realms
Brian Rose - Community Manager of Google+ Photos - posts #potd
Jay Smooth - For all your hip-hop needs
Scott jarvie - Makes me want to get married just so I can run around with a good photog
Darya Pino - Hosts "Office Hours" so you can ask her all your food questions
Michelle Marie - Google+ instigator and everyone's friend
Thomas Hawk - Hosting the UC Berkeley Photowalk on Thursday!
Mike Shaw - I want to live in his lens and jump out to meet the people he shoots
Ahmed Zeeshan and Ravi Lakhani - our Google+ philosophers
Cliff Roth - Doing in-Hangout speed caricatures!
Axel Kratel - Founder of and hosted a Hangout with Guy Kawasaki this morning

Monday, August 29, 2011

May I copy the regality bloom onto a facebook page - very nice

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Originally shared by Mike Elgan

Why 'Blocking' is the key to Google+ awesomeness

In the first month of Google+, it was all peace, love and understanding.

Now, Google+ has come to resemble the real world, filled mostly with really nice, well-meaning people, but also peppered by the occasional idiot.

Thankfully, Google rolled out last week a welcome Ignore feature, so if you want to stop seeing someone's posts without actually Blocking them, you can do so.

But Block does something Ignore does not do: It prevents people from being able to comment on your posts. This is the best thing about Block, because it enables you to weed out people who ruin good conversations.

Block also does other neat tricks:

Most bloggers I know started out not moderating comments. They believed that the community could be self-policing, and that the occasional heckler, spammer or troll would be an acceptable price to pay for instant posting.

But most bloggers I know eventually changed their tune, after the idiots started wrecking their blogs' conversations. Nearly all major blogs are closely moderated now.

I think that over time, the more people will come to a comparable decision on Google+

I've decided that I'm going to start blocking a lot more often. Mind you, I love critics. In fact, getting set straight on G+ is one of the best reasons to be here. But I'm tired of two classes of commenters:

1. The Disrespecters -- people who damage your reputation in order to win an argument. "Of course you're saying that -- you're obviously being paid by ."

2. The Debbie Downers -- I post a lot of humorous items, and I've noticed lately that one or two percent of the comments are incredibly hostile. They take the fun out of the post.

I'm done with these two classes of commenters. I've decided to block anyone who engages in either of these approaches. (One guy this weekend managed both types in a single comment! Boom! Blocked!)

I also encourage everyone to think about what types of people are spoiling their own comment conversations, and block them as well.

Google+ is a cocktail party. If you want a great party, they you invite or circle people who are awesome to have at a party -- and make sure the people who spoil parties aren't allowed to come.

There is no Google+. There is only YOUR Google+ -- the people you circle and the people who engage in conversations with you. G+ gives us a lot of control, and we should use it.

Long Monday John Prine

Long Monday John Prine

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hi - I built my 1st computer too (from a kit) but not until 1980..
How come sometimes I have square boxes under my stream (left side) and it's easy to control and other times it's round circles and I'm left with either all my circles or only one circle in the stream?

Originally shared by Michael Young

Originally shared by Michael Young

The time has come for America to finally have a political party that stands for something beside being bought and paid for by one special interest group or another.In that spirit,Ladies and Gentlemen,I give you The American Nationalist Party.Note that this is version 1.0,I'm sure small changes will be made along the way.There will be more installments covering further platform subjects coming out later.

Tax policy: The ANP stands firmly against the current system of taxation.It is the goal of the ANP to establish a National Sales Tax to replace all state and federal income tax.Any item or service bought anywhere by a citizen of the U.S. would be subject to the NST.There will be no exemptions for any entity,corporate,private,or religious.A percentage of the NST would be allocated directly to the Federal Treasury.All offshore NST funds would be the purview of the Federal government.States would recieve payment from the Treasury Department for their percentage of the NST paid by them.Every American citizen has a duty and obligation to contribute to the prosperity,progress,and continued well being of the country and all of it's citizens.

Military Policy: As much as we would all like to have a global peace in our time,there are nations and groups that will not allow that to happen.This is also affected by the global resource shortages that will come in the future.America must be able to defend itself and it's allies from any enemy or group of enemies on the face of the Earth.Foremost is the need to streamline the military budget.This can be done by eliminating useless projects and contractor abuse.We can have a larger and more effective military than we do now and pay less than we do now.

Next installment: Foreign Policy and Energy Policy.

Foreign Policy: Over the past 60 years the U.S. has thrown billions of dollars in Foreign Aid at countries that have plainly wasted it.It should be clear to all that we simply cannot afford to do that anymore.This is not to say that Foreign Aid would be completely done away with,but what countries get that aid would be scrutinized far more closely,and those with a record of squandering the aid money would recieve no more.Disaster aid to our allies would not be affected by this.
On the subject of The War on Terror: We've seen the cost of pursuing this in a half-hearted manner,the ANP believes that any terrorist organization that is deemed enough of a threat to take military action against is worth devoting sufficient force to destroy it.Any nation that knowingly harbours terrorists,be it by material aid or by ignoring their presence would be subject to the most servere economic sanctions the U.S. can impose.In the case of blatant support and knowingly providing sanctuary,military action is not off the table.It should be the last resort,but it is a viable option of last resort.We will keep our allies and ourselves safe.This is not a compromisable issue.
We should be engaged in a process of creating alliances with all the freedom loving peoples of the world,and reinforcing the alliances we already have in place.

Energy Policy: America cannot afford to be in the stranglehold of the Middle East or any other country to provide it's energy needs.We have resources here in country that can be tapped,but those resources must be obtained by the most environmentally friendly means possible.But those resources must be obtained.If that means lowered profits for the oil companies then so be it.America used to be the world's leader in science and technology and needs to be so again.To that end we would also make the devlopment of renewable energy sources a priority.We can lead the world on this front,and should.This is also going to mean some major changes in American culture.We need to persue a massive infrastructure building program that includes having a true 21st century transcontinental passenger and freight rail system and modern public transportation systems in every city.We cannot afford to pass the buck on this and leave it for our children to do.

Next installment: Education Policy.

Education policy: Education is the very foundation of this country's ability to compete in the global economy.To that end,the NSP places education at the primary and secondary level as one of the highest priorities.Our talented teachers are under attack by forces known to all,and this must stop.Teachers should be payed in accordance with the importance they truly hold in our country.The No Child Left Behind Act must either be totally overhauled or abolished completely,while the sentiment is a good and just,the implementation has had disasterous consequences for the Education system.Cirriculum must be determined by educators,not politicians.We've recently seen schools turned into global jokes by political tampering for religious purposes.This is unacceptable.At the college level,full reforms are also necessary.A usable college education should be afforable to any American citizen who desires it.Our national survival demands that we educate a nation of intelligent young people capable of making us the world leader we once were.

Jobs Policy: The lack of jobs,stagnant wages,and under employment must be dealt with.The main source of the lack of jobs is Corporate America's trend to foreign outsourcing.A practice intended to benefit noone but Boards and Shareholders.The ANP advocates financial penalties on corporations that dispose of their American workers to gain larger profit margins for a class already holding the majority of America's wealth while making up an exceedingly small minority of it's population.The ANP also supports the concept of imposing a tarrif on all goods imported to America by American corporations.America once produced the goods the world wanted within it's own borders,and the ANP believes it can and should again.Through a strong program of research and development across a broad spectrum of technologies,jobs will be created.Every American deserves the oppourtunity to have gainful,safe employment.The ANP is dedicated to this proposition.America is only strong when it's people are.

Next installment: The Separation of Church and State.

The Separation of Church and State: The ANP believes strongly in freedom of and from religion,however,the ANP will never be a signatory to any religiously based legislation.The Founding Fathers created the Establishment Clause for a reason,they had the vision to see a America that would be a religiously diverse country.At the present we have a great many laws either on the books or in committee that are plainly legislating Conservative Christianity on all regardless of their religion or lack thereof.Two prime examples of this are anti-abortion and anti-same sex marriage laws that are either in place or about to be put to legislative vote.At the heart of these laws lies a church,or a combination of churches.This is unconstitutional and unacceptable as it is a less than covert circumvention of the Separation of Curch and State.The ANP is committed to the proposition that religion has absolutely no place in the governance of America.Religious freedom does not include the freedom to force the mores of one religion on the entire country.

Next installment: The War on Drugs.

The War on Drugs has been a multi-billion dollar failure.It has been used by the hyper-conservative element of society to persecute and silence those whose beliefs do not match theirs.The ANP proposes legalization of most drugs and the release of non-violent drug offenders.The ANP is committed to the belief that decriminalization of drugs will significantly decrease the power of drug cartels and decrease the level of narco-violence we see now.This does not however mean the ANP seeks an anarchistic drug addled society,in fact we seek a society of responsibility.Part of this would be no more plea bargins for crimes committed while under the influence of any drug.Between the taxation of said drugs and the release of non-violent prisoners,America can save hundreds of billions of dollars.

Next installment: Political ethics.

Political Ethics: The ANP is committed to the proposition that coporations have no place in American politics.To that end,no ANP candidate will be allowed to accept corporate donations or gifts of any sort.Money is not free speech.Money is a means to buy politicians.Lobbyists are another problem the ANP will seek to address,lobbyists are nothing more than a backdoor for corporations and other special interest groups to seek to subvert government for their own puposes.America has seen the results of corporate influence in government and it hasn't been good.The ANP proposes far stiffer penalties for political corruption,and to that end the ANP proposes that politicians be charged with Treason when found to be engaged in unethical political activities.Being an elected official is not a for profit job,it's a trust placed in the elected by the people.America deserves better than what it has recieved from it's elected officials for far too long.

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Originally shared by Chris Loft

Originally shared by Chris Loft

Steampunk Action Adventure film “Aurora” released online
Posted by: cholmondeley

South Australian indie filmmakers Urtext have just released the live-action steampunk movie Aurora after some 3 1/2 years in the making.
Shot in and around the Adelaide area, Aurora tells the story of an airship crew in a determined quest to liberate the victims of ruthless slavers. The finished film belies its impressively small budget of $1800, using eight locations, over 80 costumed extras and 375 VFX shots: a significant undertaking in independent film making.
Aurora premièred on the 1st of August to over 300 people at the Piccadilly cinema in North Adelaide, and the full 30 minute, widescreen film can now be viewed online at

Watch the complete film online

The Steam-powered Airship Aurora

Good night - to my sweetie -

Good night - to my sweetie -
You guys can listen too....
ready to try again ?
ted kelly hung out with 1 person.Hope Jones

Originally shared by Scott Reiboldt

Originally shared by Scott Reiboldt

just in case anyone is interested, here is a forum site I run, If you get a minuet check it out,, maybe even join and get involved in the discussions,, (Its not just about TV stuff) ;)

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Must read - not just for newbies either...

Must read - not just for newbies either...

Originally shared by Ahmed Zeeshan

Google+ | The Starter Pack

As we’ve seen with the recent posts going around, Google+ users are increasing like never before in the history of Social Networks. Some figures say we’ve hit 10 million already!! However, I’ve also seen that after signing up, most new +ers go idle and do not log back in to their account. This is certainly true of the 70% of my friends that have joined the network. Therefore, these massive numbers don’t mean anything if people aren’t actually using the network. This is also evident from the fact that I keep running into the same people in comment threads across the network.
The reasons behind this issue could be:

- 750 million people on the internet use facebook. They are well acquainted with the layout of facebook and hence trying out a new network means a transition with a learning curve. Upon joining Google+ they see an interface which looks similar to facebook in some ways but at the same time they do not immediately see where everything is. They click around for a minute or two and then log off.

- Early adopters of google+ have had a head start and that puts off the new +ers. A friend of mine that joined a couple of days ago saw that I already had 1000 followers. They feel as if the G+ community has already been formed which makes it tougher for them to join in. They don’t know who to follow. I can fully sympathize with them on this because in my opinion this is very much like starting your college one month late. Your classmates that came on time already got the chance to get to know each other and become friends. You on the other hand will feel left out and would need to do something extra to join the circles that have already been formed.

I’m sure there can be many other reasons to explain this issue and they’ll all vary from person to person. But the most important conclusion you can draw from all this is that there is a great need for a Google+ Starter Pack which will allow our new friends to join g+ at a run. That way they can integrate into the already massive g+ community as smoothly as possible and contribute to it as eagerly as the rest of us.

I’ve attempted to create such a starter pack for the benefit of e-mankind regardless of their background in social media. It is important to realize here that the starter pack should be concise, clear and very simple to use. Otherwise, too much reading will add to the learning curve that we’re trying to reduce here. So here it goes:


Dear Fellow +ers,

Hello and Welcome to the next sensational product on the internet! Google+ is packed with features to make your online social experience more enjoyable and manageable. This Starter Pack is designed to make you feel right at home with your new g+ social account. The guide is divided into five main sections:

Structure of G+ | Friends on G+ | Privacy | Who to Follow | Invite new Friends

Structure of Google+
When you login to G+ for the first time, you will be brought to the welcome page: At the top of your page you will see 4 buttons next to the Google+ logo. These buttons divide g+ into 4 main parts:

- This page is very similar to your news feed on facebook. On the left you can choose to look at different news feeds (streams) of your friends lists (circles)
- In the left sidebar you will see the Google Talk widget that you can use to chat with your friends. You can do 2-way video calls with it too.
- Again on the left, you will see a block titled Sparks. With sparks you can get interest-based content from the internet through google.
- On the right you can click the green button to start a Hangout. Hangouts allow you to have 10-way group video calls… Yes, you can have a video call with upto 10 people at the same time on google+ all for free!!
- You can share any type of media with the Share Box in the center of the page.

- This section of google+ presents you with photos of you and your friends arranged in a neat and elegant portfolio
- You can create albums here and share them
- All your photos are stored on Google Picasa where you get unlimited storage space
- Your photos are stored and displayed in a very high resolution and quality unlike facebook
- You can edit/tag your photos and add stunning effects to them from within google+

- Your profile page has everything about you
- The page is further divided into 6 sub-sections: Posts, About, Photos, Videos, +1s, Buzz
- Click on the blue Edit Profile button at the top right to begin setting up your profile
- Use the View Profile As field to see how your profile will look to other people depending on your privacy settings

- This section allows you to manage all your online social relationships
- The idea behind circles is that you share different information with different social circles based on your relationship with them in real-life. Google+ circles allow you to build the same relationships online
- In a way, circles are similar to friend lists on facebook but they are far easier to manage
- Create, edit, rename and delete circles from within this section easily
- Select, drag and drop friends into circles according to your preferences

Friends on Google+
- With google+ you don’t need to wait for someone to accept your friend request
- Simply move your mouse over a person’s name and add them to your Circles. Now, whenever that person shares content publicly or directly with you, you will see it in your Stream section.
- If that person also adds you to their circles, then they will see your content in their Steam that you share publicly or with the circle that you've added them to.
- So if someone is following you and you don’t know them, then you need not worry because you don’t have to add them to your circles and they will only see what you share publicly with the whole internet i.e. If you share something with your circles exclusively then they won’t see it.

Privacy on Google+
- Here on g+, your data is your own. You can download all of your content on plus thanks to the Data Liberation offered by google:
- You don’t need to follow people you don’t know and consequently they will not see information that you share exclusively with your circles or specific people.

Who to follow on Google+
Since g+ is still in field trial, you won’t find all your friends on here... but don’t feel let down by that. The beauty of g+ lies in its community which you can easily be a part of. Here are a bunch of people that you should add to your relevant circles to bring your Stream to life. These +ers share exciting content publicly that will enhance your g+ experience:

- Google+ Team: Vic Gundotra Natalie Villalobos Matt Cutts Bradley Horowitz Frances Haugen Toby Stein

- Google+ Tips: Jacqueline Passey Mason Mickey Mellen

- Influential: Robert Scoble Ben Parr Tom Anderson Brian Swetland Pete Cashmore

- For LOLs, Awesomeness and Geekiness: Chris Pirillo Felicia Day Alida Brandenburg Randall Munroe Chris Cho Wil Wheaton

- Mouthwatering Photography: Trey Ratcliff Thomas Hawk Lauren D Rogers David Hunter Colby Brown Terje Sørgjerd

- Celebrities that actually post: Alyssa Milano

How to invite your friends to Google+
- In your Stream section, in the right side-bar you can see the option of sending invites directly to your friends:
- If you don’t see the above option, you can send invites indirectly by sending a message from google+ directly to your friend’s Gmail address. Once they get the message, they will be able to join. If they can’t then ask them to try again in a few hours and it will work:

That is all you need to know to setup a profile on Google+ and to become an integral part of the social network.

Optionally, if you’re looking for some further excellent #plustips that can fully exploit the power hidden in Google+ then I suggest reading the following posts:
- Google+ for the average facebook user -
- Circles: Dividing, Nesting and Prioritizing -
- Use tagline as a status message -
- Copy one circle into another circle -

I hope that helped you settle right in to the Google+ Community. If you found this guide useful, then please share it with your friends to help them out too.

If you have any questions or need help with any g+ features, please bug me anytime.

Ahmed Zeeshan

Permalink to Post:
Google Doc version:

This article is also available in the following languages:
Spanish - (translated by Carlos Medina Gallego)
German - (translated by Christian Losert)
Finnish - (translated by Jaana Nyström)
Afrikaans - (translated by Eugene Niemand)
Malay - (translated by Naim Omar)

If you wish to contribute a translation for another language please read this post:

Other Google+ articles from me:
Google+ | The Etiquettes -
Google+ | The Early Adopter's Guide -
Google+ for the Average Facebook User -
Circles: Dividing, Nesting and Prioritizing -


Note to fellow readers:
> Please do leave feedback. It helps to improve the article and starts a healthy discussion.
> Please feel free to re-share the post.

Lots of other goodies here too.

Lots of other goodies here too.

Deficit Spending Anyone ?

Deficit Spending Anyone ?

Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki

Originally shared by Guy Kawasaki

(2) Saturday. Summary of ten social psychology studies that provide insight into influence, persuasion, and enchantment.

Hahahaha - I had a busy morning pissing off a variety of nut-jobs. I found (today anyway) that the tea-baggers, trolls, and extreme athiests were much more fun than for example the Hitler is Bachmann guy.

Hahahaha - I had a busy morning pissing off a variety of nut-jobs. I found (today anyway) that the tea-baggers, trolls, and extreme athiests were much more fun than for example the Hitler is Bachmann guy.
I would never shoot you... I have potions and spells....

Originally shared by Paul Junior

Originally shared by Paul Junior

Congratulations! you are now officially a Googlehead! get to know some amazing people at :) (also we are kind of short on +1's on the website, a +1 would be awesome too :)

just give it a listen...
I enjoy your posts, comments and videos. I enjoy the discourse and will try to be interesting and thoughtful rather than just opinionated. Thanks for an enjoyable morning - now I have to make up for all the time I spent have fun this morning... later TK

I've been involved in some interesting discussions this morning. I would

I've been involved in some interesting discussions this morning. I would
like to state a few things "for the record"
I swore an oath many years ago to defend the constitution....
I respect all the amendments.
I think they made the 1st one 1st because it's the most important.
Then they figured that the 2nd had to put in there for obvious reasons.
(just kidding ^^^ - *mostly*)
The people I agree with are usually WAY more irritating that the "other" ones....

Whatever happened to scientist/philosophers anyway ? Must we all live in an empire of empiricism?

Whatever happened to scientist/philosophers anyway ? Must we all live in an empire of empiricism?

smooches - you DO like toys with buzz, eh?

smooches - you DO like toys with buzz, eh?

Originally shared by Sebastian Mauer

Look what just arrived here... ARdrone + OSS SDK + GalaxyTab10.1 = Nerdgasm. It's time to fly this thing Honeycomb-style ;)
So, If facebook was a lunatic asylum - does that mean we are all "Main Streamed" ?

When Politics Turn Toxic: Why 2012 Is Like 1972 & History Will Repeat Itself | The Moderate Voice

Good morning peeps!

Good morning peeps!

Hi - when are you going to "hit the spot" <---- start using G+ ------

Oh Joy!

I saw another article posted with what seemed to be a liberal "lean" and "shared it". I was tickled pink. No offense, but there are an awful lot of conservatives (and I mean that in the nicest possible way) on the g-spot. I enjoy a good debate as well as the next Irishman but I digress. The point is that I found this magazine. I was expecting to find a good source for reasonable sounding liberal rants to post. Imagine my surprise to read this:

I saw another article posted with what seemed to be a liberal "lean" and "shared it". I was tickled pink. No offense, but there are an awful lot of conservatives (and I mean that in the nicest possible way) on the g-spot. I enjoy a good debate as well as the next Irishman but I digress. The point is that I found this magazine. I was expecting to find a good source for reasonable sounding liberal rants to post. Imagine my surprise to read this:

American Thinker is a daily internet publication devoted to the thoughtful exploration of issues of importance to Americans

They actually expect and encourage thinking! Now I don't suppose many conservatives will try it out, but it's worth a shot....

Friday, August 19, 2011

Night guys

Night guys

Here's to memorable weekends.

Here's to memorable weekends.
Um- We actually think that Alt-profiles are ok. Take away the fake profiles and fake people will be the only ones ..... well - sigh! Whatever.

An oldy but goody

An oldy but goody

I listen to this show pretty regularly. You should give it a try. These are real people and it's a good reminder of just how regular peeps are just so awesome. Yeah, regular peeps like you....

I listen to this show pretty regularly. You should give it a try. These are real people and it's a good reminder of just how regular peeps are just so awesome. Yeah, regular peeps like you....

So if your excommunication is absolved, are you communicable?
Hi - My stupid check finally cleared - is the offer still good on the painting ? If so give me the pay pal info again and I'll transfer some $$ right now...

Okay - facebook doesn't seem to like us taking stuff that-a-away so... Let's see if Google plays the same way.... Stop by and check out my "fun" group. It's just a quiet sort of place where the peeps can take a break from the madness and just be themselves.

Okay - facebook doesn't seem to like us taking stuff that-a-away so... Let's see if Google plays the same way.... Stop by and check out my "fun" group. It's just a quiet sort of place where the peeps can take a break from the madness and just be themselves.
Hmmm... sure looks funny - lets see if it works...

So sad... Please put this on your status if you know or are related to someone who suffers from stupidity. People need to understand that stupidity is real disease and should be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a stupid person right now. There is still no known cure for stupidity and sympathy does not help. Sometimes a 2x4 to the back of the head helps, but not a lot. But we can raise awareness! 53% won't re-post this because they don't know how to copy/paste

So sad... Please put this on your status if you know or are related to someone who suffers from stupidity. People need to understand that stupidity is real disease and should be taken seriously. You could be sitting next to a stupid person right now. There is still no known cure for stupidity and sympathy does not help. Sometimes a 2x4 to the back of the head helps, but not a lot. But we can raise awareness! 53% won't re-post this because they don't know how to copy/paste

Thanx Craig..

Gotta have my Science Friday Fix....

Happy Nat'l Potato Day - Please do not make a potato gun like the one in the following link. The propellant is not very good for mother earth....

Happy Nat'l Potato Day - Please do not make a potato gun like the one in the following link. The propellant is not very good for mother earth....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Originally shared by Cheetos Oona

Originally shared by Cheetos Oona

This is going out to the lovely lady who sent me the invite....

This is going out to the lovely lady who sent me the invite....

Thanks to Jake Southers for turning me on to this channel...

Thanks to Jake Southers for turning me on to this channel...

I've noticed some old "friends" have come over to the G-spot. This always riles them up....

I've noticed some old "friends" have come over to the G-spot. This always riles them up....

ted kelly was tagged in Paul J's album.

ted kelly was tagged in Paul J's album.

Happy Bad Poetry Day - The first line in the paper is:

Happy Bad Poetry Day - The first line in the paper is:

Once upon a time, a bird flew to the top of a tree

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Colbert Advert ---->Episode IV: A New Hope

Colbert Advert ---->Episode IV: A New Hope

There will never be a better time to give this a try.

There will never be a better time to give this a try.

Originally shared by Natalie Villalobos

Let's build an awesome-tastic Google+ community together!
would love to have some MEGA re-shares on this baby

In these few easy steps you can maximize your Google+ experience.
Here are the tips and tricks you should know and evangelize:

Send Feedback button - In the lower right hand corner you can report bugs and give us your feature suggestions!

Google+ Discuss Forum - Join the conversation about Google+ here and chat with other Google+ community members. Please don’t use the forum for feature suggestions - it’s hard for us to keep track there - use the Send Feedback button instead.

What’s New In Google+ page - The Google+ Team is frequently updating this page to let you know the latest and greatest in Google+ (spread the word new stuff comes out)! Many of these announcements are direct reflections of what you all have asked for. Keep it up!

Is someone bugging you? - Use the “Block” button on any profile, this means 1) You will no longer see this person’s content in your stream, 2) This person won’t be able to comment on your content, 3) This person will be removed from your circles, and 4) This person will still be able to see your public posts. Also use the “Mute post” feature in the Stream when someone’s post is too much for you.

Report a profile - Let’s build the community we want by reporting abuse that is in violation of our Community Standards. You can Report a profile from any Google+ profile.

the About section of my profile - I update this frequently! Here you will find some information if you (or friends and family) are new - definitely share these posts from Ahmed Zeeshan. I’ve added every Google Community Manager on this page so you can follow them to get updates on your favorite Google products and services. Make sure to add the Google+ Community Team - Toby Stein Brian Rose Katherine Gramann Evan Steinberg. You can also find information about suspended accounts.

+mentioning Community Managers - We love being engaged with Google+ and connecting with users all over the world, but unfortunately there isn’t enough time in the day to read and respond to every +mention and share. We’ll certainly do our best to help and listen where we can, and communicate directly to you via our Google+ profiles and Hangouts often.

Feedback Fridays - Every other week we will have Feedback Friday where I’ll post some questions to you from my profile. This is your chance to share your voice directly to the product team for the bi-weekly Google+ Community Report.

Thanks Much!

Natalie, Community Manager for the Google+ project



Imagine a world where nobody lies, says anything misleading, or does anything dishonest. Tell The Truth Day aims to achieve this for just one day – presumably to allow people the rest of the year to get over insult, hurt and the result of truths which perhaps should have remained un-said!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Originally shared by Axel Kratel

Originally shared by Axel Kratel

All right, all you physics and science geeks, tomorrow at 10AM I will do a hangout on quantum physics and the nature of reality. This is for laymen, I will take some time to talk a bit about the basics of quantum physics in a way that is easy to understand for the average folk, and also try to debunk some of the popular new age myths that seem to be growing up around this topic. If you want to join, please leave a comment here and I will add you to the invite circle for the hangout. There is room for 9 people, the rest will need to watch on Youtube. Feel free to re-share this post with anyone who might be interested.

ty - most excellent

ty - most excellent

Originally shared by Harry McCracken

I got to write's 50 Best Websites feature this year! Here it is.

two of my circles

two of my circles

I rather enjoyed the "10 Craziest Bachmann Quotes) list -

I rather enjoyed the "10 Craziest Bachmann Quotes) list -

But this takes the cake...



I couldn't get by without "ultimate" - (it's in the tool box)

I couldn't get by without "ultimate" - (it's in the tool box)

Originally shared by Paul Junior

Afternoon friends! "I just wanted to let you know that you are officially a GoogleHead" :) Feel free to talk to your fellow GoogleHeads at

Feeling a little blue - Try breathing a little... Seriously though - there are some great songs here to go with the show...

Feeling a little blue - Try breathing a little... Seriously though - there are some great songs here to go with the show...

Somebody should add a "You are Here" thingie to this image...

Somebody should add a "You are Here" thingie to this image...

Originally shared by James Overheul

Originally shared by James Overheul

National Rum Day is August 16.

National Rum Day is August 16. <---- more good recipes

Monday, August 15, 2011

I note one proposal to make this Congress a two-house body. Excellent — the more impediments to legislation the better. But, instead of following tradition, I suggest one house of legislators, another whose single duty is to repeal laws. Let the legislators pass laws only with a two-thirds majority... while the repealers are able to cancel any law through a mere one-third minority. Preposterous? Think about it. If a bill is so poor that it cannot command two-thirds of your consents, is it not likely that it would make a poor law? And if a law is disliked by as many as one-third is it not likely that you would be better off without it? RAH

Originally shared by Christy Sandhoff

Originally shared by Christy Sandhoff

Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time. Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy, clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating their "Older Person Friendly" policies.

One day the boss called him into the office for a talk.

"Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here; but your being late so often is quite bothersome."

"Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."

"Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear.”

“Yes sir, I understand your concern and I’ll try harder.”

Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “It's odd though your coming in late. I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you showed up in the morning so late and so often?"

The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled.

He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin, "They usually saluted and said, ‘Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir?’”
they're not bad - just bored - I haven't been paying attention but I'll assume that the same groups that are pissing me off are rubbing you raw too? I have noticed that they are all pissed at each other and blame it on a) the heat or b) the devil - I'll just add that while they may not be nice they are sometimes entertaining...,21088/?utm_source=recentnews,21088/?utm_source=recentnews,21088/?utm_source=recentnews

They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)

They Might Be Giants - Why Does the Sun Shine? (The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas)

Fashion Alert !

Fashion Alert !

Happy Monday Plustafarians !

Happy Monday Plustafarians !

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Opera in English is, in the main, about as sensible as baseball in Italian. Henry Louis Mencken

Originally shared by ****

Originally shared by ****
That was lovely - it brightened my day - thank you
Is there any way to keep the page from jumping around while trying to comment ?

Originally shared by Jake “BombVapor” Southers

Originally shared by Jake “BombVapor” Southers
Thanks for "Jesus the Son of Man". I got in a collected works issue and enjoyed it. Unfortunately I borrowed it from the library and also enjoyed "Sand and Foam". S&F was perfect for an airplane trip, btw..... Now I must go pay my debt to society. I'm overdue by over a dollar.....

Navajo Early Morning Blessing

Navajo Early Morning Blessing

Happy Navaho Code Talkers Day - After all our country did for them - look at all the did for us. The link here ^^^^ is a morning blessing.

Saturday, August 13, 2011



Originally shared by Matt Thompson

Our short film "Oh Shoot, It's My Birthday" won two awards at this year's 48 Hour Film Project. Check it out and let me know what you think...
Hi Amanda - thanks for the add. If my posts and stuff bother you - let me know. I put you into one of my favorites circles - take care. Theo

Hi there...

Hi there...
I'm just dying to get my hands on the painting. Perhaps though, you should take offers. I wouldn't be surprised if the price went way up... There really is something about that bird that speaks to people...
Anyway, if it happens to work out that I get so lucky, is there a business addr. or a P.O. box or something where I can send you a check or money order. I'm not comfortable getting anyones home info. The world is just going nuts these day...

Ted Kelly
2477 Ave Barcelona Oste
W Palm Bch, FL 33415

(just in case)

Come Saturday Morning - (re-posted)

Come Saturday Morning - (re-posted)

Top o the morning peeps...

Happy National Yard Sale Day!

Happy National Yard Sale Day!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Originally shared by William Shatner

Originally shared by William Shatner


FREE Outdoor Screening of The Captains, an EPIX Pictures presentation produced and directed by William Shatner, with an in-person appearance and movie introduction by the legend himself. The Captains follows William Shatner as he seeks out each actor who has played a Star Trek captain.


Saturday, July 30th, 2011
Doors open at 7:30PM
Festivities start at sundown
Movie starts about 8:45PM


Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
One Intrepid Square
12th Ave and 46th Street
New York, NY 10036
Bring your own blanket or folding chair. Also, you can bring your own food, snacks, and non-alcoholic beverages. However, no alcohol is permitted.


Grab you phaser (set to stun of course), strap on your best Klingon armor and get down to the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum on Saturday evening. Everyone in attendance wearing Star Trek gear has a chance to win:

A commemorative The Captains movie poster to the first 1,000 guests arriving in costume Limited edition The Captains t-shirts for top costume efforts The chance to meet and get a photo taken with William Shatner for the night's best dressed


Admission is on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating is limited. Screening is an outdoor event and as such is subject to adverse weather conditions. Alcohol is prohibited from being carried into the museum.

I'm not gay or anything - but you do have good looking eyes SL...

I'm not gay or anything - but you do have good looking eyes SL...

Originally shared by Simon Bl

Via Bobbie Today
Star of the video: Ashley Pitman
I don't want to offend. Give it some thought. I could probably scrape up about thirty bucks.

Originally shared by miri dunn

Originally shared by miri dunn

More information on Perseid Showers- which peaks tonight! Imagine seeing 50 or more shootings stars an hour! There is a star chart included to help you know where to gaze.

Originally shared by Christopher DeMero

Originally shared by Christopher DeMero


How gauche is this ?

How gauche is this ?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What's in your sparks. Your best, most productive weirdest ones...

What's in your sparks. Your best, most productive weirdest ones...
I'll prime the pump - my favorite one is NPR Music.

Originally shared by Mike Mozart

Originally shared by Mike Mozart



600 Beats Per Minute


Once upon a time, music used to be distributed on these things called records. People would visit places called record stores and while it's hard to believe, they would actually pay real money to - wait what?

Once upon a time, music used to be distributed on these things called records. People would visit places called record stores and while it's hard to believe, they would actually pay real money to - wait what?
Oh, okay.....
People used to carry something called money that they would use to.......

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Originally shared by Idrialis Castillo

Originally shared by Idrialis Castillo


I got a surprise!!... Next Thursday at 10PM EST we will be having a TEDHangout with Amine Benaichouche a Physicist working at CERN ( with 2 masters degrees in Theoretical and Particles Physics. He will be talking for about 20 minutes the topic is "SpaceTime Travel." Amine is very enthusiastic and passionate guy that explain very complex topics in a very simple way, so we all will be learning a lot from him. That Hangout will be streamed for those without a spot in the hang out....... So save the date!... Feel free to share...

Who's in?

Monday, August 8, 2011

Originally shared by Paul Junior

Originally shared by Paul Junior

Hey friends! I just finished phase one of the Google+ Kit, and have hand picked you to be featured on our "Social People" page Check it out at re-shares and 1ups -on the site are much appreciated as well as any comments or suggestions. much love, enjoy :)

Happy Happiness Happens Day

Happy Happiness Happens Day
!Mission: To help people recognize more happiness and encourage them to talk about it.
Side-effect: Since happiness is contagious if more people are recognizing and talking about
it then more people be happy. And ultimately, our world needs more happy people.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Originally shared by Mashable , Inc

Originally shared by Mashable , Inc

Just learned about a really cool way to do Polls on Google+:

1. Ask a question.

2. Quickly add the possible answers as the first comments.

3. People hit +1 on the comment they vote for.

Here goes: iPhone or Android?

Not sure who invented this, but I learned via Natalie Villalobos , who shared it from Ahmed Zeeshan , although I think Matt Cutts was the first person I saw do it. If you know the inventor, please let me know so I can credit!!).

wait - this isn't some kind of "epic" thing is it?

wait - this isn't some kind of "epic" thing is it?

Originally shared by Carole Clift

And it's STILL going.....

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A couple just got married and on the night of their honeymoon before passionate love, the wife tells the husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin." The husband being shocked, replied, "How's this possible? You've been married three times before." The wife responds, "Well, my first husband was a gynecologist and all he wanted to do was look at it. My second husband was a psychiatrist and all he wanted to do was talk about it. Finally, my third husband was a stamp collector and all he wanted to do was...oh, do I miss him!"

A couple just got married and on the night of their honeymoon before passionate love, the wife tells the husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin." The husband being shocked, replied, "How's this possible? You've been married three times before." The wife responds, "Well, my first husband was a gynecologist and all he wanted to do was look at it. My second husband was a psychiatrist and all he wanted to do was talk about it. Finally, my third husband was a stamp collector and all he wanted to do was...oh, do I miss him!"

Borrowed from "Esme.." - posted in The Haven