Sunday, December 23, 2018

Ok - I'm going to follow some folks to MeWe. I go by Theo Kelly there.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Take out

Take out

Originally shared by Peggy K

Find your first Google+ post (and get an archive of all your posts) using Google Takeout

Brian Slesinsky has posted a neat trick for finding that first post you posted here on Google+ and creating a backup archive of your posts:

Here are the instructions:

1. Go to

2. Optional: to switch to a Google+ Page click your profile photo at top right, and select the Google+ Page's Brand Account from the list. Once you have switched you will see the Page's Profile image at top right.

3. Deselect everything in the Takeout list except Google+ Stream

4. Download as a zip file.

(Creating the archive may take a while if you have a lot of posts)

5. Unzip.

6. Open Takeout folder
7. Open Google+ Stream folder
8. There will be one HTML file per post. Sort by date modified.


* The earliest modified file should be your first post.

* The file should open in your browser. Click the Permalink link to open the post on Google+.

* the archive does not include photos or images you posted to Google+. You can create a separate archive of your photos in Google Takeout > Google Photos (Google+ uploads appear to be in date albums)

* you may see a Google+ Pages archive option. This only archives the Circles of your Google+ Pages, not the posts.

* My stream archive was 6521(!) post files and about 25MB.

My first post:

It was posted October 1, 2012, with a link to an April 2012 YouTube Announcement. It has one sad +1 and no comments.

(Via Ade Oshineye)

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Monday, December 3, 2018


I'm looking for information about this venue. It looks like it might make a suitable replacement for some photo related communities.

Does anyone use it already >
Would anyone like to volunteer to test it ?
tap ~ tap ~ tap ~~~ is this microphone on ???

Audrey Sheppard pointed out a potential venue for us. Does anyone here have any experience with this ?

Audrey Sheppard pointed out a potential venue for us. Does anyone here have any experience with this ?
If not, would it be a good idea to have a half dozen volunteers try it out together to see if it suits our needs ?