Thursday, September 20, 2018

WPP2018 - Week 27 - Silhouettes

WPP2018 - Week 27 - Silhouettes

+Françoise Dhulesia, +Angela Migliore, +Byron Sheldrick, +Dave Hollis, +Carmen Mandich, +madhura ravishankar, +Constantinos Catsoulis, +Alicia Smith, +Rob Masters, +Francesco Scaglioni, +Mary Wardell, +Navin Upendran


I usually like to shoot something different. Something that makes my entry stand out. I just went through all the other silhouettes though and decided I didn't want to set myself apart. This (that) weeks entries were just so darned good that for once - I just wanted to fit in. So here is what I intended to be my test shot for the theme.


  1. Well done ted kelly! :)A beautiful silhouette image!

  2. I like how you have framed the silhouette and captured her split reflection.
    A very good chiaroscuro!

  3. Beautifully captured and framed ted kelly with the reflection in the window and the on door being icing on the cake!! :))

  4. Constantinos Catsoulis thank you. An experienced model makes things so much easier.

  5. Françoise Dhulesia I'm delighted with your observation. Now I better understand why I chose that one.

  6. Carmen Mandich thank you - thank you - thank you. It was one of those moments where I looked through the view finder and was almost too excited to press the button.
