Sunday, April 1, 2018

I missed the deadline. Lauri said to enter them anyway. So I've got 4 of them. How did you do ?


  1. Enter them anyway if they were taken before the deadline. I just shot a lot of shit in the first two weeks. Can't be bothered with all the planning shit. :) And how are you anyway. Good to hear from you.

  2. Well shucks and thank you. I'm 1/2 way between fine and dandy. Work was crazy stupid with drama and workload for a while but (knock on wood) things are looking better.
    I did enter four. Not thrilled but not too bad. So since I didn't really like them, they'll probably be winners, right ?
    My next goal is to get caught up with the WPP. I'm only about six weeks behind.
    How is the world treating you ?

  3. Well since you ask, I'll be honest. In the middle of a huge anxiety attack. But I'll get over it - and will be fine. It's happened before. One foot in front of the other.. Keep going, etc

  4. Bummer. If you ever need an ear; feel free to call or hang out or something.

  5. I'll be fine. There's a lot happening. And I need to get the house straightened out.

    Like you say. You might well win with these images :)
